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Y'all deserved more food than what i gave you earlier, so here 🤭
2nd last chapter, unless yall want me to make an alternate ending for both sad and happy

I'm fine with doing that if you want, just tell me :D

It started with a normal day. Bakugou got up, cried a little, made a single cut, covered it up, and got ready.

It was routine at this point.

He went to class. He was ridiculed. Insulted. He zoned out. He passed everything. And yet, there was something off.

He didn't notice the glances thrown toward him by the oddly quiet brunette.

He had the same feeling of being watched from when he was walking towards the hospital. It was unsettling, really, but as per usual, he shook it off.

Tik tok, went the clock.

All Bakugou could hear was a slight buzz. Everyone's voices were blurred out. He could only hold his breath and count to ten. He didn't know what was happening, but he felt something big was going to happen.

The bell rang.

Lunch time.


School was surprisingly uneventful. Ochaco had left about 10 minutes before school ended, using the excuse that she felt sick and needed to see Recovery Girl. Other than that, nothing really interesting happened. He didn't know why, but he had finally noticed her not being as rude anymore. Maybe she changed, or maybe she was planning something. Then again, he never outright saw her whispering with her friends while staring at him, so she couldn't be planning anything. Maybe it really was paranoia.

As he was lost in thought while walking toward the hospital, he didn't notice that the feeling of being watched was gone.

And then he heard it.

Screams. Calls for help. Sobs.

As Bakugou snapped to attention, he smelled smoke.

The screams came from ahead.

Which could only mean one thing.

He sprinted towards the hospital, hoping, praying, maybe they got out in time, please please please be okay.

As he neared the hospital, he saw bright flames engulfing the building.

He sprinted faster, if that was even possible for him. Grabbing the front door handle, banging on it, shaking it, trying to get it open.

More screams were heard. He needed to get in, he needed to save them.


He blasted the door open, running into the burning building.

Debris was falling around him. He panicked, looking around. His eyes widened as he saw part of the ceiling crash down in the kids' play area.

He hurried over looking around, only to see Sai and Vanilla trying to get out from underneath burning debris. Neji was unconscious, bleeding from her head.

Sai's eyes widened. His mouth opened, screaming 2 words at Bakugou.


The intention was clear. Save the kids first, get them out. Don't care for us. The kids were the priority.

Bakugou was shaking, panicking. He looked around with crazed eyes. Where were they?


Bakugou has little sense left, not even thinking of calling the police. His thoughts were trained on one thing, that being the kids.

And yet, he couldn't find them.

His eyes were watering, the smoke suffocating him. Where were they?? Where were they?? WHERE WERE THEY??

He ran around, searching for anything. The fire was roaring in his eyes, his ears, his nose. His clothes were burning, his hair catching little flames.

He ran into the last room, the bathroom that he had cried in, and stopped.

The kids were bloody, burned, and their hands entwined, as they lay unconscious under a large piece of debris.

Bakugou was sobbing, choking, and not because of the smoke.


Please still be alive.

He ran towards them, trying to drag them out, his limbs feeling like jelly. And yet despite his strength, he was unable to get them out.

If only he could explode the debris without hurting the kids in the process. But if he exploded it, it was possible the little pieces would blast into the kids skin like tiny bullets.

He pulled, tugged, he did everything, just trying to drag the kids out, or get the debris off them. He was starting to get dizzy. He couldn't stay longer. He would suffocate to death. Still, he continued trying.

Someone appeared. He was wearing an orange suit. He pushed Bakugou out of the way. "I'll take it from here! Get out of here!"

Bakugou was in hysterics. He tried to fight against him, telling him he could help get them out, before 2 other firefighters dragged him out of the room. He couldn't do anything.

He was so useless, so fucking worthless, he couldn't even save them from a stupid fire. Hero my ass.

As the fire fighters dragged him past the kid's room, he glanced tiredly at Sai and Vanilla. They lay there, unconscious, with multiple firefighters help drag then out of the debris.

Then, he blacked out.

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