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At first, he felt nothing, just a slight bubbling sensation, and a light feeling of giddiness. A few more swigs, and a few more handfuls of the floral scented white powder, he felt alive and free for once. He looked around the room, and suddenly everything seemed brighter. But in a good way! Suddenly, instead of dark holes burned through the wall due to little episodes of rage and sadness, he saw clean walls with happy pictures of moments that never happened. All around, he saw neatness where it used to be dirty, and happiness where there used to be sadness. All around him were brightly colored bubbles filled with a floral scent. Bakugou giggled, poking at the air, like the bubbles were real. He spun around, looking all over, and bumping into things. He stopped, as he was getting dizzy and stumbled over his chair, tripping and falling onto his bed. For once, he wasn't worrying about anything. Everything in his mind was buzzing, he was happy, he was floating, he was happy, he was happy, HE WAS HAPPY, HE WAS UNDER INFLUENCE, HE WAS HAPPY, GODDAMIT WHY WASN'T HE HAPPY?? HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HAPPY! His head spun, as his giggles turned into sobs. When did things become like this? Why? What happened? Why was he such a screw up? Why couldn't anything make him happy? Why wasn't he dead yet? Why, why, why ,why, why!? It was always why, how, when, what, everything felt useless. Nothing was working, nothing and no one would ever help him. He was trapped in his mind, he was trapped in his body, in his life. And all he ever wanted for the past 8 years was to leave. But, alas, he was not destined to die just yet. As long as the kids were still alive, he stayed.

Tears trickled down his face, his mind hazy, his eyes shut, and his fists clenched. He slowly got up and frantically searched his drawers. Well, if he couldn't die he would at least be able to harm himself.

One, two, three.

He watched the blood trickle down his already scarred wrist.

Four, five, six.

He moved over to his torso.

Seven, eight, nine.

You deserve every inch that blade cuts through.

Ten, eleven, twelve.

He moved to his other wrist, switching his knife to the other hand.

Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.

Nobody cares for you.

Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen.

Bakugou finally set down the knife and stared at the scars he created all around his body. 5 centimeters wide, 2 centimeters deep each.

He wrapped them up, and trudged back to his bed where he finally laid down, and fell asleep.

His dreams led him to a simpler time, when he was still happy, when he didn't have a quirk, and when he still had friends. Specifically, Izuku.



(Bakugou knew what cigarettes were bc of his mom, and told deku. Look don't pay attention to timeline bc u know i suck at that shit. Anyway, normal text is gonna be present day katsuki, past katsu will be bold text, and past deku will be italicized.)

Bakugou watched as young Deku ran over to where young Bakugou was. They compared how many cigarette butts they found on the ground. Bakugou remembered why. All Might had always talked about how pollution was a huge problem and people who tried to fix it were heroes at heart. Deku and Bakugou, being kids, thought that that meant picking up trash would make them even more hero-y than if they just became heroes and done. So, everyday, they made a game where they tried to find the most cigarette butts and throw them out.

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