Chapter 4

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MODAY CAME AROUND  quick, I was sitting in my car with a box of cookies that ranged from oatmeal to snickerdoodles debating how I was going to handle seeing my ex-boyfriend and bestfriend

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MODAY CAME AROUND  quick, I was sitting in my car with a box of cookies that ranged from oatmeal to snickerdoodles debating how I was going to handle seeing my ex-boyfriend and bestfriend. Would I sit and talk like reasonable person? Spread the news all around the school? Beat the hell out of them? There were too many options. Shaking my head to get those thoughts out of my head, I picked up my bag from the backseat and made my way into school. I kept a look out for Brandon and Emma trying my best to avoid them, I didn't want to confront them first thing in the morning. I was also looking for Leo to give him his gift but I couldn't see him anywhere in sight.

I made my way to my locker, I rest the cookie box and shoved the books I wouldn't be using in there. I took a glance at the small mirror I had placed in there, I applied lip gloss to my lips and readjusted the black bow in my hair. I tied my tie seeing as I had just thrown it over my shoulder because I had woken up late, after I finished tying it  I shoved the finished product under the blue vest of my uniform. Suddenly I saw the worst thing ever, Brandon's reflection in my mirror with Emma trailing behind him, quickly I shut my locker and took up my cookie box before speed walking to homeroom. I could hear my name being called but I didn't look back not once.

Sitting at the back of the class was new to me as I normally sat the front but I knew that was where Emma was planning to sit, so I made the sacrifice and sat around here. When I saw her walk in I quickly placed my head on the desk, hoping she hadn't noticed me and I thought she did especially when I heard the chair beside of me was being pulled out. I didn't lift my head of the desk, not until the voice beside me called my name.

"Anderson," the undeniable voice of Leo states, "what are you doing around here?"

"I can sit wherever I want, it's a free country," I looked up at him, he was now sitting in his seat and turned in  my direction.

"We have assigned seats," he deadpanned. 

"Well, I exchanged with Thomas," I motioned to Thomas who was now sitting in my seat with a red velvet cookie in his hands, "I may have bribed him."

"You bribed my bestfriend with cookies," he raised an eyebrow, "my cookies to be exact."

"You know what they say, desperate times call for desperate measures," I let out an awkward chuckle.

"There's still more cookies in that box, right," he changed the topic.

"Of course," I opened the box to show the treats, "we have oatmeal, chocolate chip, snickerdoodles, red velvet, gingerbread, mint choc, choc chunk, triple choc and strawberry cheesecake."

 "And how long did it take to make all this plus decorate the box?" he asked an amused smile on his lips. 

"So there's nine different flavors and six for each, so that's fifty-four cookies. To get all the ingredients took about twenty minutes and then to make all the dough was like three hours and then each batch of cookies took about ten minutes so that's five hundred and forty minutes or nine hours. The box was a quick ten minutes, so in all that took eleven hours and thirty minutes," I explained in one quick breath.

"Have you ever thought of taking up rap," he smiled, "you didn't breath not once."

"I'm actually signed," I shrugged, "but I haven't made my debut yet."

"When you make it big remember me," he played along, "I was your number one fan."

"Don't worry I'll give you a shout-out," I patted him on his shoulder, "maybe it'll help get you some girls."

"Ha-ha," he rolled his eyes, "can I have my cookies now."

"Here you go," I slid over the box to him, "enjoy."

He wasted no time and immediately dug in, his eyes were shining with excitement as he opened the box. When he took a bite he rolled his eyes and pretended to pass out, he took his head of the desk then gave me a thumbs up causing me to let out a quiet laugh. I left him to enjoy his cookies and my attention was drawn to the front of the class, where Emma sat laughing with Carol Jennings, a member of the cheerleading team. It was as if she had no remorse for what she had done, she sat there chatting away happier than ever with not one ounce of guilt showing and that made angry. She was supposed to be asking for forgiveness, her eyes should've been red and puffy from crying like mine had looked this morning, her uniform was supposed to be crushed like my heart but instead she looked perfect.

As if she felt my eyes on her, she turned her head in my direction and her eyes met mine. They widened at the sight of me although I don't know why seeing as she knew we had this class together, but then something happened that knocked my socks off. 

Her eyes started to gather tears.

It was as if a switch had flipped, instead of the happy girl who sat there a minute ago there was one who looked distraught. I chuckled at the sight, there was no way this girl was trying to play her tricks on me, tricks I've seen her do first hand. As I continued to look at her anger stirred within me, her lips started to tremble and the tears fell from her eyes and she moved her lips to say 'sorry' and right then and there I really had to restrain myself from getting up from my seat and slapping the shit out of her.

I took my eyes off of her and focused on the teacher who was explaining a school trip that was coming up, I knew Emma was smirking to herself thinking she had manipulated me into forgiving her. My fingers tighten around the pencil I hand, just thinking of her, unlike this morning I was eager to go and talk to her. I initially thought it was going to be hard letting my bestfriend go but seeing her show who she truly is was already helping jump that hurdle.

"You okay?" Leo asked from beside me.

"Peachy," I gave him a tight-lipped smile," what makes you ask that?"

"Well you're gripping onto that pencil pretty hard," he answered, putting a cookie in his mouth.

"I write better like this," I lied, my eyes glancing briefly to Emma's, whose eyes were now watching Leo and I interact.

"I'm glad you're finally seeing how much of a bitch she is," he didn't even look back at Emma as he talked.


"Emma, she's did her little fake crying act thing?" he shook his head when I nodded, "it's really annoying because she thinks it's working but it only makes her look like an idiot. Poor Alyiah was too blind to see."

  "I guess," 

And with that homeroom was over.

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