Chapter 3 (rewritten)

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Even though rough classes just started, Aquilia found herself busy with big amounts of homework. She was excellent in potions, defence the dark arts and flying and she hated etiquette and astrology. In free periods she was found either with Fleur gossiping or complaining about a large amount of homework, and if Fleur didn't have free period Aqila was found pranking. On Tuesdays, she had double Herbology and right before lunch defence of the dark arts after lunch, she had charms and double drama. Wednesday was her second favourite day (her favourite is Sunday because she can sleep as long as she wants ) mostly because her classes started an hour later, with double Transfiguration, following Etiqtte (which ofc she hated) and after lunch duble potions. The biggest minus of Wednesdays (and also Fridays) was Astreolgy at Midnight. Thursdays were just despised by Aqila, but mostly because hadn't had any free periods. Charms, Herbology, History of Magic, transfiguration and after lunch, she had defence the dark arts. On Fridays Aquilia was found in Double Charms, defence of the Dark Arts and After Lunch Transfiguration. On Saturdays, they had things like a second language, horse riding and flying or quidditch. And with all the studying, running from class to class and pranking Halloween came from a corner. Students were happily chatting, relaxing going to the ballroom where the party was held. Everything seemed ordinary. But just hours ago, it was a completely different story. Aqila (with the help of her father) got Polyjuce potions and the hair of professors she hated (Charlotte Moulin - Etique, Cleopatra von Droombleeld-Herbology and Benedict Beaudry- Drama) and before breakfast started, she made deal with Hause elves and they pour polyjuce potions in pumpkin juice. To say at least a digging hall full of strict teachers (that most of the school hatted) was found hilarious just by Aqila and Fleur others started panicking. Aqila ended with detention for the rest of the year, later to home and warring. And that's how Aqila spent her days before Christmas.

 For Christmas break, she decided to spend Christmas and the first week with her parents and the second week with Delacour. Throughout her week at home, Aquila spent her time helping her dad in his potion shop, helping her mother prepare Christmas dinner, doing pranks and doing her homework. For Christmas evening booth families met at Black households where they had dinner, and the next day they opened presents. Aqula got prank products from her parents, Fleur got her book on rare potions and Fleur's parents got her sweets. After lunch, Aquila said goodbye to her parents and left with Delacours to spend the rest of the holiday with them. Fleur and Aqula spent their time outside playing with snow, or in the ballet studio where Fleur and Gabrielle taught her ballet and gymnastics. On 31 st Regulus and Diane came for the celebration of New Year's. The next day Black parents said goodbye and went home, meanwhile girls started packing for the second semester of the school year.

The second semester was a lot harder than Aquila expected, so most of the free periods were now spent either studying or doing homework. She didn't have much time for pranks, but she found time to plan her biggest prank for the end of the school year. And as fast as a blink of an eye came May and with May came exams. If Aqila thought she studied hard at the start of the semester, now she studied even harder, they had at least two exams per week. Aqila thought she did pretty well on them. Now that all exams were behind, she focused on one thing - end of school end-of-school-year prank.

She decided that she would pull a new prank every two (maybe three). She decided to start with invisible ink (she made a potion which turned ink into invisible ink and swiped it with regular ink) result was priceless, the best reactions came from the library where students were writing their last days and found that the entire time they haven't write a think. The second prank Aquila decided to pull was a dancing book (she with the help of an older student charmed books, so when somebody opened it the character from that book would start dancing around the reader), the most priceless reactions were from first-year muggle-borns. For the third one she decided on the mirror of misdirection(basically when you looked into the mirror you saw your version of your opposite grander) for this prank, she got the best reactions from girls above and in fifth grade. So after that pran professor started to get suspicious, but that didn't stop Aquila. She decided to pull the singing portrait (she charmed portraits to sing Macarena when somebody passed them) and well muggle-borns and muggle-raised half-bloods enjoyed it and even danced it, meanwhile, Purebolds just thought it lame. And soon came the day of end year feast. That day Aqila decided to pull her last prank for this school year - she hid confetti and glitter bombs in hallways, that exploded and stuck to students walking by. That one was in Aqila's opinion the best., but of course in the eyes of her professors rather not. So that's how she ended up in the headmistress's office, where she found her parents and the head of her house Professor Marie Voitture. 

Reg and Anne's PoV: Late in the morning, we received a letter from Acedmy in which headmistress Madam Maxime wanted to see us talk about Aqula's behaviour at school. We hadn't a choice and soon after we came and met with the headmistress and head hause Aquila came. And Mademe told us all the pranks she pulled (of course we already knew about them, but play it dumb) and then told us that Aquila isn't welcome to their school next year. We mean, we placed a bet on how fast she would be expelled. We said goodbye to Aqula and promised her we would talk tomorrow and find the best solution.

end of PoV

 Aqila left the office with sadness as she was leaving her first Friend Fleur. She found her by the fountain and told her bad news. Both girls just sat here in silence not knowing what to say. Both knew that pranks weren't that bizarre and unfair, but they didn't have power. After they landed and left the carriage girls bit Goodbay for two weeks as they will be seeing each other through all summer holidays.






So first thank you for reading my fanfic, I hope you like it. Please vote and comment. In next chapter will be about the summer break and her first day at the new school. Thank you again, Cornelia ;) 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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