chambre à coucher 🤍

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First person - Gabriella:

I woke up because of the sunlight pouring through the windows in a bed that wasn't mine. My head was pounding and my feet hurt thanks to the heels I wore last night. Now I remembered why I didn't like to drink.

I did not recognize the room that I was in and I was covered by white blanket. I turned to my right and I saw... Hassan? Oh là là, please don't tell me we slept together.

I saw Hassan switch sides towards me and his eye started twitching, most likely because of the blinding light coming from the window. He sat up and started rubbing his eyes, then he looked at me

"Jodar, what a surprise" He asked still rubbing his eyes

I was focused on the red on his mouth and the red kiss mark on his cheek, also my perfume on him. We were also naked and were only covered by the duvet proving we did sleep together last night.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I groaned

"I remember the party, the bar and the beach," he recalled, still rubbing his eyes "But everything else is just a blur"

« Did we sleep together? » he asked, clearly tired

« No shit, putain, don't look at me I need to get dressed »

« Don't you think after last night I already know what you look like? » He winked while I glared at him.

« Okay, Okay, » He put his hands up as if to shown he has given up, « I won't look I promise »

I began to look for my clothes which were scattered across the room which made it challenging to find. I quickly put on my clothes and handed Hassan his.

« Where is the bathroom? »

« Straight down the hall to your left » He said while putting on his shirt. I couldn't lie but say he did look very attractive.

I entered the bathroom and took a look at my reflection, I looked like a mess. I hadn't taken off my makeup last night so it was smugged and my hair was messy. I washed my face and brushed out my hair to make it less messy.

I came out of the bathroom after a few minutes and returned back to where Hassan was to see him on his phone.

« Do you have any aspirin? »

« Sí, it's in the kitchen »

He led me downstairs to the kitchen and I got to have admit this was a nice looking house. It was very modern and huge.

He took out some tablets from the drawer to give one to me and one for himself. He also got some glasses.

« Are you hungry? » He asked

« Yes, what is the time? »

he looked at his phone, « 14:08, do you want to get some lunch? »

« Bien sûr, but first I need to call my friends »

I completely forgot about my friends, I didn't even go back to our hotel with them. Instead, I landed myself in Hassan's bed.

The Gossip:
+1nepo baby 🖤🥇, HOElian 🔥 , sidebitch 💗💩💩

Où êtes-vous les gars?
(where are you guys?)

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