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Peso Pluma, or Hassan was getting ready backstage for an interview with Billboard. He was currently the most influential mexican artist in the world and had the number one song on the Billboard chart; "Ella Baila Sola".

"Compa, ¿estas listo?" [bro, are you ready] one of Hassan's friends called out to him.

"un minuto!" [a minute] Hassan yelled back

Hassan stared at himself in the mirror and couldn't believe he was a number one sensation practically overnight. When he was younger he couldn't even imagine a life like this; a life where he would go on stage and hundreds of people would yell his name or where he couldn't even go grocery shopping without getting noticed.

"realmente necesitas irte ahora mismo" [you really need to go right now] his manager yelled.
First person:

I made it in the studio where the interview was going to take place. It was a traditional interview, I put on the headphones and the interview began. However, this wasn't the type of interviews I was used to as this one was completely in English which wasn't too much of a problem for me since I used to live in New York.

"Peso Pluma welcome to the Billboard interview! Thank you for coming"

The interviewer was a very friendly looking Black man with a navy blue hawaiian shirt.

I smiled and said "Thank you for inviting me."

"Now, before we begin, how is it like to be on Billboard's Number One Chart? I mean, certainly you must feel proud of yourself in a way. You have 10 songs in Billboard's 200 and 8 songs in Billboard's 100. How does this feel?"

"It feels really special and an exciting moment for me because I would never imagine that I would make it this far. I am very proud of where I have gotten and I am looking forward to achieving more to make my country and my family proud."

"Of course, this must be a very huge moment for you. Now, beginning the interview, I'm going to give you some quick fire questions. Are you ready?"


"Okay great, so first question, who is your celebrity crush?"

"my celebrity crush? that's a tough question but it's Gabriella Grataeu."

"Gaby Grataeu? The french model? What makes you feel attracted to her?"

"Everything. She looks pretty cool and she is very beautiful."

The interview went on, asking me about my favourite movies, his favourite foods etc. which I answered truthfully with the English I learnt from my time in New York.

"Interview complete. Thank you Peso Pluma, well Hassan, for coming and answering questions with Billboard" The interviewer said, shaking my hand.

"Thank you for having me" I responded before finally going backstage.

author's note:
this part was inspired by the actual interview that peso pluma did with billboard. i'm sure most of you have seen it, it's on TikTok. Also, I apologise for my english, english is not my first language.

𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞 é𝐭𝐨𝐢𝐥𝐞 🖤⭐️ - peso plumaWhere stories live. Discover now