Chapter 1 : Payment +

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Tommy was taking out of his old smelly frige the only two things he has in thear.

Bread and butter.

It seemed kinda sad to see that a sixteen year old was living of bread and butter, but it was better than nothing. Sometimes, he wouldn't eat a week or two, so this was better than that starving just so he would have a roof on his head.

Tommy currently was living paycheck to paycheck bearly having enough money to pay his reant and to feed himself.

This was a risk he was willing to take when he escaped the foster system.
He ran away from the grupe home he was staying at when he was fifteen years old.

Tommy made his butterd breed and sat on his disgusting sofa to eat his breakfast for the morning.

Looking at the clock, Tommy realized that he woke up way too early.

He sighed while looking at the sunrise that painted the sky's a pretty shade of yellow right outside his window.

Tommy figured he could walk to work today since he was awake so early. Also, he wouldn't have to get into a cramped bus.

He brushed his teeth after brakfest and got dressed in a white and red t-shirt with some blue skinny jeans. He grabbed his backpack , swung it over his shoulder, and left the apartment building.

District 100 was pretty close to district 97, which was where the store he worked at was. Because it was so early, he decided to visit his friend Bad's soup kitchen in district 99 .It has been a while since they have seen eachoter.

Mainly because Tommy was working all the time, and he usually didn't have time to stop by the soup kitchen.

Bad lived in district 15 ,but he ran a soup kitchen in the second lowest district in this city.

Luckily, he is not like the rich assholes from District 20 and higher. He actually helped destitute and homeless people with his money.

Tommy kicked a rock down the sidewalk while pondering how meny attempted roberys will happen on his shift.

Because normally, there would be at least 1. Tommy should probably find a new job, but he couldn't leave this one knowing that this is where his main income comes from.

Then he reached a familiar building. After he went inside, he saw a void creature cooking a big pot of soup.

"Hello Bad!" The void creature named Bad looked up from his cooking and glanced at Tommy with a warm smile.

Bad looks scary, but he is one of the nicest people you could meet.

"Hello Tommy, it has been a while since you last came here." Bad said while putting some paper pleats for the day.

"Sorry for that it has been really busy trying to get money to pay rent and stuff." Tommy was said, realizing how depressing that sounded coming out of a sixteen year old.

Tommy glanced at Bad and saw a sad expression on his face after he said that.

Bad walked to Tommy, his eyes making a white glow that blinded the boy for a second and put a hand on his shoulder. "You know Tommy if yo -"

"No, it's fine, Bad. If I need help, I will tell you." Tommy cut off Bad while he was talking because he was about to start saying if he needs help with money, he can help.

Which he kinda did, but he was still alive and eating mostly.

They chatted for a couple of minutes until Tommy realized he should get going.

Tommy spoke. "It has been nice talking to you, but I got a go now if I don't want to be late for my shift."

 Bad nodded in agreement.

Tommy went to the front door. He looked back and saw Bad waving goodbye to Tommy. Tommy waved back and exited the building.

As Tommy walked outside, he felt the morning sun touching his face with its warm rays of sunshine.

Walking down the sidewalk, Tommy saw a meny allyways with a lot of homeless people sleeping soundly with newspapers and jackets as blankets.

He can't complain and say that he has it that bad. At least he has an apartment and is not living on the streets

When Tommy made it to the store, he put down his bag in the back room and put on his work uniform.

Tommy spent the next few hours of his life dealing with attempted roberys (He fought of every one of them)  and rude people.

At the end of Tommy's shift, he hooked his work uniform on the hook that was on the wall and swung his bag over his shoulders.

When Tommy went outside, it was a pich black night sky with a crescent moon with some faint stars.

The street lights flickerd whit thear yellow dim lights.

Tommy was thinking about how, in two days, he would have to pay his rent. That meant he would be almost out of money after two days.

Oh well, it looks like he probably will not be eating for a couple of days.

After Tommy entered his apartment complex, he went up the stairs to his floor.

Entering the apartment, Tommy threw his bag near the door and sat on his disgusting old sofa.

Tommy sat on the sofa and looked at his new wounds on his body from the attempted roberys.

He sighed  it didn't look as bad as last week's wounds, but it still looked pretty bad. But he already bandaged them at work, so he wouldn't have to do it home.

A couple of minutes passed until he heard knocking on his front door.

"Coming!" Toomy said while getting off of the sofa.

Tommy opened the door to see his landlord Clementine.

She smiled at Tommy, "Sorry for disturbing you at this leat hour, but may I come in? I have to tell you something." Her smile dropped at the last part.

"Ofcorse! Come in." Tommy gestured for Clementine to sit down on the sofa.

He locked the doors behind her before sitting down next to Clementine.

"What was it that you needed to tell me?" Tommy asked queries about what it was.

And also a bit scared.

Clementine seemed anxious and sad. After a few hart beats, Clementine spoke up, " I will have to raise the rent to cover for the inflaison." As soon as those words left Clementine's mouth, Tommy's stomach dropped. "W-h..a'tt?".

With that one sentence, Tommy's life was turned upside-down.

"Sorry, Tommy, I know you're on a thin budget ,but it is necessary.". Tommy had a bit of hope left that it is not that much.

"Can you give me the reant for next month on paper so I remember?" Clementine dug thrug he pockets and pulled a piece of paper and handed it to Tommy.

When Tommy glanced down at the paper, his world shaterd all over again.

He couldn't afford the rent.

His bank accountant would go into minuses, and he wouldn't be able to get food he would starve and also would be kicked out of the apartment.

Tommy already was working two jobs. As a cashier and a batista in a cafe at the weekends.

Clementine looked at Tommy with a sad expression.

"I will get going then." Tommy at that moment was snapped back to reality when Clementine spoke.

"Wha- Oh..yhe, you should go now..." Tommy opened the door and shut it after Clementine left.

Now, Tommy was left alone with his thoughts. He knows he has enough money to pay rent this month ,but if he doesn't get another job by the end of the month, he will be living on the streets. He has to find a job in seven days, but where? And how?

Word count: 1306

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