The Secret About that Girl

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Toshinori looked around at all the remaining Heroes in the room. The mood was tense, justifiable considering their biggest hope had just been killed. Izuku's death had just made their strike much harder to pull off.

"So what's the plan now?" Mt Lady asked everyone, unsure of where they'd go from there.

"We'll need to buy ourselves some time. Give us time to think of what we can do" Edgeshot told his teammate.

"We're already a step ahead of you all" Hawks stated, pulling out his phone "All Might contacted foreign Hero agencies around the world, hoping that we could get some heroes on our side. Immediately the number 1 Hero in America agreed to help. She's on her way"

"Stars and Stripes?" Kamui Woods questioned

"Yes" All Might answered "Without Young Deku here to help us, we're going to need someone who is capable of taking on All for One, and Stars and Stripes is the only other person here capable of doing so." He explained to them all

"And what if she doesn't win?" Endeavor asked, wanting to make sure they had a backup plan just in case.

"Then let's hope Stars and Stripes can hinder All for One long enough for us to come up with a another plan"


Izuku watched as banners were put up all around the city in preparation for the Vytal festival. Signs that welcomed the newcomers. Market stalls were placed along the road for people to see what was being made at Vale. He enjoyed wandering by the stalls, getting quick glimpses at things he'd never seen before. It reminded him of when he went to the I-Expo.

Team RWBY were excited, not just for the festival, but because Izuku's costume was in their dorm. They were going to present it to him later that day, and they could not wait to see the look on his face when they showed it to him.

Weiss looked around and a large smile came to her face "Oh the Vytal Festival! This is absolutely wonderful!" She saw, twirling around to look at everything she could.

"What is the Vytal Festival?" Izuku asked, unsure of what the purpose of the festival was.

Weiss stopped dead in her tracks and slowly turned to face the boy "It's been like two months since you've arrived here. How do you not know what the Vytal Festival is?!" She exclaimed. "Isn't the book you're reading right now supposed to explain it?"

"I haven't gotten to that section yet, Schnee" Izuku countered, feeling uncomfortable with how Weiss was staring at him

The rest of team RWBY decided to keep quiet and avoid whatever Weiss was doing. All of them except Ruby. "I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much, Weiss." She claimed with an uneasy look "It's kinda creeping me out"

Weiss looked shocked at what Ruby just said. But instead of annoyance like Blake and Yang expected, they saw she was confused at how they weren't smiling like she was "How could you not smile?!" She questioned, completely astonished "A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be dances! Parades! A Tournament" That part caught Izuku's attention "Oh, the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breathtaking!"

Yang sighed and shook her head "You really know how to take a good thing and make it boring" She commented

"No, I understand where Schnee is coming from." Izuku interjected "It reminds me of a school festival my school held a while ago. All the different courses coming together to make one big event. Besides, it'll be interesting to learn more about the cultures of this world." He told them all

"Thank you Izuku! At least someone gets it!" Weiss said, shooting Yang an annoyed look. Yang responded by sticking her tongue out at the girl immaturely.

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