Lost Again

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Izuku was done

Done with seeing casualties litter the streets. Done with seeing lives ruined because of All For One. He was trying to prevent that, but nothing was working. And while he hunted down All For One and Shigaraki, everyone around him got hurt. All Might nearly died when his car was blown up. Lady Nagant exploded when Izuku got her to change her ways..

Luckily, before she was flown away by Hawks to get medical care, she was able to tell Izuku where All For One was hiding out. The Haibori Woods.

He, along with several other Pro Heroes made their way to the woods and stood outside a mansion that used to belong to the Creature Rejection Clan. A disgusting group of Quirkists who discriminated against those with Mutation Quirks. The group was killed a while ago by the League of Villains, but with the state Japan was in, discrimination quickly returned. So it was a good thing they were dead, otherwise he'd have to deal with a whole new group along with the ones already hurting innocent people.

"I'm going in alone," Izuku told the Heroes. His voice was scratchy and dull, as if he'd swallowed a bag of gravel then did an intense workout.

"Deku, don't be stupid!" Endeavor scolded him "We go in together, as a team!"

"No," Izuku replied, walking forward towards the house and away from the Heroes. "I'll scout out the building and tell you if I find anything. If the house has any booby traps, you could get hurt"

"Young man. Are you forgetting that we are Pro Heroes?" Best Jeanist questioned "We can handle ourselves just fine."

Izuku paused and turned his head to face the Heroes. His green eyes shone from behind the shadow the mask cast upon his eyes. "I will not have anyone get hurt because of me again." He told them with a tone that left no room for discussion before walking towards the mansion. 'Besides, All For One and Shigaraki still aren't capable of taking One for All from me'

Reaching the door, he pushed on it, but it remained shut. He jiggled the door and clicked on the door's handles, but it wouldn't budge. Izuku raised his leg and kicked the door open. A loud bang reverberated around the empty mansion as the doors flew off their hinges and onto the ground.

Carefully treading through the abandoned mansion, Izuku scrunched up his face as the smell of decayed blood and rotting corpses filled his nostrils. Even though the source of the smell wasn't in the same room as him, it was clear the League of Villains didn't clean up after their massacre.

Static filled Izuku's ears as a bright blue light shone behind him. He whipped his body around and clenched his fists, ready to fight All For One. But while All For One was there, his physical body wasn't. The deformed man's smug smile filled the Hologram he had laid out for Izuku. He slowly raised his hands and gave a boy a slow and sarcastic applause. "Did you enjoy your Q&A session with Nagant, Izuku Midoriya? Because if you're seeing this message, then that must've been what happened"

Rage filled Izuku's body as he looked at the man who had ruined so many lives. Killed so many innocent people. His teeth clenched together as he contemplated destroying the hologram just to avoid looking at the bastard's face.

"You see, I love predicting and reading people, and a boy like you could never abandon someone like her, yes?" His condescending tone spoke out.

Izuku gripped his fists as the rage increased tenfold. He had predicted Izuku's every move and worked against them. Like he was just a pawn on the world's biggest chess board. He was so focused on All For One, he didn't notice the quiet ticking coming from the hologram's projector.

"I didn't force her, you know. She acted on her own free will. But those poor souls who stumble on the road of life are labeled Villains." All For One told him "People go on and on about Quirks, preaching the merits of individuality, but ours is a regimented society under tight control. One where the wrong sort of individuality gets you ostracized. Purged." He paused, letting what he said sink into Izuku's mind before he started up again "Democracy? Socialism? Doesn't matter. There are no exceptions, because the root of all this predates the concept of human society altogether. It's the principle that governs all social organisms"

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