Rooftop Revalations

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When Izuku arrived at the next class, he found that the seats next to Ruby, Yang, and Weiss were occupied. Thankfully the chair beside Blake was free, so he took his seat there and waited for the Doctor to start the lesson.

Doctor Oobleck apparently did not believe in the word slow. He zoomed around the classroom, talking so fast it was hard for most of the class to keep up with the tall man's words. The man's messy green hair stuck out like a sore thumb. Izuku had even heard rumors made by people who did not believe he was from another world that he was Oobleck's son. And as much as Izuku didn't like that rumor, he couldn't deny the uncanny resemblance between their hair.

"Yes! Yes, prior to the Faunus Rights Revolution, more popularly known as the Faunus War," Oobleck zoomed over to a map covered in papers at the front of the room behind his desk "Humankind was quite, quite adamant about centralizing Faunus population in Menagerie" He pointed to an island in the south-east of the map with his stick. He as if he had a speed type Semblance, he glided over to his desk to take a big sip of his coffee before zooming back to where he was standing

Izuku wondered if the Doctor was drinking Ruby's type of coffee. He was clearly hyperactive. Maybe that was his Semblance, some kind of speed. Or it could be like Fat Gum's Quirk, where he ingests caffeine and it builds up in his body. Or it could be-.

While Izuku was trying to brainstorm what type of Semblance Oobleck had, the Doctor kept talking. "Now! While this must feel like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative to remember that these are relatively recent events! Why, the repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this very day!" Again, he moved over to his desk and sipped his beverage before dashing around the class "Now! Have any among you been subjugated or discriminated against because of your Faunus Heritage?" He asked the small group of Faunus in the room.

Izuku looked around and saw a few students raise their hands, the rabbit girl hesitantly raising her hand alongside them. He winced next to Blake. He knew what it felt like to be discriminated against. It was not a fun feeling, being looked at differently due to something you couldn't control. Being treated differently because you weren't the same as everyone else. It was a horrible feeling, and unfortunately, he felt that way in Beacon. No matter how much he tried to ignore it, he couldn't lie to himself. He was different from everyone else, and there were students who tried to steer clear of him because of that.

"Dreadful!" Oobleck exclaimed "Simply dreadful! Remember, students, it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence!" He sipped his coffee whilst shaking his head "I mean just look at what happened to the White Fang!"

Izuku could see Blake flinch beside him, confusing him slightly but he brushed it off. She might've been a victim to one of their attacks. He'd learned about the White Fang pretty quickly. A peaceful activist group turned into a terrorist organization led by the Faunus.

"Now, which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorize to be the turning point in the third year of the war?" Oobleck quizzed the class. Weiss raised her hand and the Doctor called upon her

"The battle at Fort Castle, professor!" Weiss answered confidently

"That's Dr. Oobleck! Ms. Schnee." He scolded the girl before nodding his head "And you are correct! Now, who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune's forces?"

Unseen by the Doctor, Cardin flicked a paper football at a drowsy Jaune's head, causing him to snap back into reality "Hey!" He exclaimed loudly, unintentionally drawing Oobleck's attention.

The Doctor zoomed over to Jaune's desk "Mr. Arc! Finally contributing to the class!" He proudly stated "This is excellent! Excellent!" He repeated, causing Izuku to wonder if the caffeine was starting to affect the man in the head. "What is the answer?"

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