twenty five

159 6 2

Lynna's POV

I was starting to love waking up next to Josh more and more as the nights went on, embracing every moment I could. He loved to hold me in any way possible, even if it was as simple as my hand. The only difference about this morning was I found myself wrapped around Josh, well, for the most part. I was laid on my back, Josh's head resting on my chest. Half his body was pressed into mine, loosely draped all over me. I could faintly smell the scent of his shampoo, making me realize that was half of the scent I loved so much.

I studied his face for a while, looking at his features. All his features were so flawless, it was hard to believe he was this perfect. His curls were just barely long enough to hang over his face, adding a shadowy effect to his relaxed face. I gently played with a piece of his hair, curling it around my finger. I knew I was torturing myself, trying not to think about how this was my last day to sleep in with him.

He began to stir, his eyes slowly moving around more. His eyelids finally opened, he seemed to be staring into oblivion. He looked up to me, looking surprised to see me awake. His lips immediately curled into a smile, melting every sense I had. He tightened his grip slightly, making us even closer together.

"Good morning, my dear, Lynna." Josh mumbled sleepily.

"Good morning, Joshua." I smiled, moving some of his hair from his face. He seemed to like the feeling, shivering under it a bit.

"I wish I could lay with you forever." Josh spoke after a moment, looking back up to me.

"I do too." I said, moving my other hand to his arm. I ran my fingers along his forearm as we laid there. I liked to touch him like this, showing him affection. I felt like I never got as much chances, him usually occupying my hands already.

"That feels nice." He hummed, referring to the way I was grazing my hand. I giggled at the pleased smile on his face, continuing with what I was doing. He was so calm, it was different. He usually had something to say, or even simply moving his fingers, but he was laying there so still. Our peace continued for a while longer, until the door to the room began to open.

Danny and Jake's light voices entered the room, looking straight to Josh as he laid there. Jake had a smirk on his lips, probably waiting to tease his brother about how 'domesticated' Josh was acting. I felt slightly embarrassed as Jake and Danny looked at us, feeling my face warm.

"Don't say anything, because I know you are just jealous." Josh warned, raising his finger to Jake.

"I didn't say anything!" Jake laughed, putting his hands up in defense.

"Mhm-hm." Josh responded, not caring to say any more. There was a blissful tone in his voice, it obvious he didn't want this to end already. He made a sort of groan, vibrating on my skin, before he raised his head up. His eyes lingered on mine for a moment, simply looking at me. Slowly, he pushed himself off me, rolling onto his side. I missed his weight, but I did feel a bit awkward with the boys back in the room.

The day continued to roll on, the boys already prepping for their show tonight. I was excited to see them perform again, especially now that Josh would know I was there. I couldn't believe I was dating someone as talented as him. I couldn't believe someone as talented as him would date me.

Frankie and I loved getting to go backstage, it was by far one of the most interesting things we had done. Josh introduced us to The Struts, they were all really cool, although I felt very nervous talking to them.

They passed a blunt around before the show to 'calm their nerves.' At least, that's what Josh told people. I was still excited to see them perform, everything seeming much less bleak in the excitement.

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