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Lynna's POV

I was nervously waiting for Frankie to come over. I hadn't been to a party in a while, and there was Josh, so I was on the verge of freaking out. Josh was constantly on mind at this point. I kept looking to my drawing, thinking about anything Josh related. I didn't understand how quick I clung into him. Maybe it was how kind he was, or maybe how nice he was, whatever it was threw me for a loop.

"Repeat after me." Frankie said. "You're gonna be fine."

"Oh, shutup." I laughed.

"I can feel you spazing out. It's just a party." She said. We climbed in the elevator, waiting for it to slowly take us to their floor.

"I'm gonna be fine." I said. "I just get nervous, you know?"

"Trust me, I know." She smiled. We walked down to their door labeled '51.'

I knocked, feeling like I was about to burst. I heard a muffled sound from Josh, then the door opened. His smile was so contagious, he looked happy to see me.

"Hi, Lynna, Frankie." He greeted. "Come in."

We entered the house, multiple boys packed in one tiny living room. I looked around the living room, taking in the two different aesthetics. You could almost tell the pieces Josh chose and the ones Jake chose. I was pretty curious to what their apartment would look like, and I was almost right.

"There's food and drinks, whatever you'd like in the kitchen." Josh said, leading us to the main area. "The party isn't until later, you guys are good with hanging out, right?"

"Yeah, of course." Frankie answered for us.

"You guys have a balcony?" I asked, noticing the screen doors. "That's not even remotely fair."

"Looks like you guys chose the wrong side of the building." Josh shrugged, a petty smile on his lips.

"And, we probably pay the same rent, yet they get a balcony." Frankie said, agreeing with me.

"Would you guys like to see it?" Josh smiled.

"Yes." I said, as if it was the most obvious answer ever. Josh laughed at Frankie and I's eagerness. We followed him onto the balcony, becoming immediately jealous.

"This is so unfair!" Frankie cried. We took in the view, it wasn't even the best view, but it was better than ours. "Can we move in with you?"

"Um, let me discuss it with Jake." Josh laughed. "I'm sure he'll agree."

"Great." Frankie said. "I'll go pack my bags right now." I laughed at how she only seemed to be halfway joking. She gave me a smile before heading back inside, making me realize she left us alone on purpose.

"I could stay out here all day, seriously." I said, sitting down on the lounge chair. The sun was hitting perfectly.

"We spend a decent amount of time out here." He smiled. "Nothing better than a blunt and a view of stars."

"You smoke?" I asked, knowing I should've already assumed that.

"It's only for medicinal purposes, of course." He smirked. "What about you?"

"Medicinal purposes as well." I smiled.

"Frankie too?" He asked.

"She got me on it." I said.

"Well, we may just have to smoke before the party." He smiled, excited at the thought. "We weren't sure how you guys were on those things."

"You thought I was going to be a stick in the mud?" I laughed.

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