twenty one

104 6 6

Lynna's POV

It had been a little over a week since they left. It was just as miserable as the first day. The only thing that made it irritable was knowing I was getting to see him soon.

Jake, Frankie, and I had been planning to surprise Josh. It wasn't going to be some grand thing, just have us show up to their show, surprising Josh. It was the only thing that kept me from ripping my hair out. Josh was oblivious to the plan, sounding as dreadful as could be.

I was on the phone with him while I worked. I talked my boss into letting me work outside, giving me the opportunity to talk on the phone with Josh. My boss was actually a very lovely lady, she didn't mind the whole phone thing. Josh did most of the talking, I didn't mind. They had their first show a few days ago, he had very mixed feelings about it. He felt like he didn't do nearly as well as he could, but he loved every moment of it. I really wanted to see them perform in the larger setting.

"Lynna?" Josh asked, startling me.

"Hm?" I hummed, trying to remember what he was saying.

"Are you even listening?" He laughed, amused at my reaction.

"Sorry, I was trying to get this thing off." I said, feeling bad for zoning out. "I promise I'm listening, I just had a moment."

"It's fine." He said, I could feel the smile on his face. He was in a very chipper mood today. "Do you have any big plans this week?"

"Mhm...not really." I couldn't help the sneaky smile, knowing full and well I was going to be on my way to see him. "Why?"

"I was just wondering." He said. "I feel like I've been talking about myself too much."

"I don't mind, I like when you talk about yourself." I said, being truthful. Something about the way he talked, he had such a way with his words you just wanted to listen to him.

"But, I want to hear you talk." He said. "I get bored of myself, as surprising as it is."

"I don't know what to talk about." I said. "I'm not touring, and you're just much more spontaneous than I am. The only interesting thing I do is watch a new movie."

"What new movie have you watched?" He asked, seemingly interested.

"Uh...oh, I finally watched 'girl, interrupted'." I said, struggling to remember the name for a moment. "That was on my list forever."

"What's it about?" He asked.

"This girl, Susanne, she goes to a mental hospital. It's really just her going through it, finding herself again. I don't know how to explain it, but I liked it." I said. "Made me think of 'the bell jar'."

"That's the one you want me to read, isn't it?" He asked, making me smile at the fact that he remembered that.

"You are correct." I smiled. "Oh, and I'm going to kill Frankie."

"Why's that?" He laughed, surprised at the sudden topic change.

"She won't stop playing that stupid french music, as long as possible." I complained, growing irritated just thinking about it. "She says she's 'embracing her roots,' she's barely fucking french."

"I didn't know she spoke french." Josh said, amused.

"She barely does, she's taking a class at college." I said. "All I wish is that she didn't play it so loud. I can't imagine how everyone else feels about it."

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