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Lynna's POV

I was fairly excited for tonight, eager for evening to roll around. I wasn't sure what he wanted to do, although he seemed fine with just hanging out at my place.

I was cleaning, trying to get as much done before my parents would be coming over. They loved to critique how clean things were, I was going to save myself from that.

I nearly lost it when my front door opened, Frankie casually walking in.

"I thought I had it locked." I said, confused on when it got unlocked.

"Guess not." She shrugged. "I would've just used the key."

"I know you would've." I said, shaking my head. She loved to drop in randomly, I could be in the middle of anything, and she would just appear.

"Why are you cleaning so much?" She asked looking around my appartement. "I thought they didn't get here til Saturday?"

"They don't, but Josh is coming over so I might as well clean now." I shrugged.

"Want me to help?" She asked.

"No, I'm almost done." I said.

"So, I never got the details, how was your date the other night?" She asked, laying out on my couch.

"It wasn't a date." I said. "Seriously, you have to stop calling them that. I about said that we were on a date aloud."

"Oh, I wish you would've." She smirked.

"I hate you." I laughed.

"You know you love me." She said, conveying an innocent smile.

"Anyways, it wasn't like anything super special." I said. "It was really nice though. I love hanging out with him."

"You love him." She added. "But, continue, please."

"Well, first we went to this place where you rode bikes. It was really sweet. I did like flip over the bike, hints the scratch." I said, lifting my arm. "And then, we ended up at the farmers market, that was sweet too."

"Is everything 'sweet?'" She laughed. "Did anything like extra special happen?"

"I managed to get one over on him. He wouldn't let me get him this necklace, he bought it behind me back. And then, I bought him a bag of mangos and peaches so we were even." I said. "I was pretty impressed with myself."

"Huh, that explains it." She said, looking amused.

"What?" I asked, never more confused.

"He gave me a mango this morning, we were both in the lobby. He had like 4 of them." She explained.

"Do you think he's giving them away?" I asked, slightly hurt.

"No, he was eating one of them. Maybe him and Jake just can't eat every single one before they go bad." She offered, making me feel a bit better.

"Probably." I shrugged. "Oh, and he wants to meet my parents."

"What?" She asked, startled.

"Yeah. I told him they're not pleasant people and everything. He thinks he could woo them over." I said.

"They weren't nice from the five seconds I saw them in the hall." She said. "I think he's too pure for them."

"He's got too much personality for them." I said. My phone went off, the caller ID reading 'josh (lee).' "Speak of the devil."

I answered the phone, all I could hear was his breathing.


"Oh, sorry. Didn't know you picked up." He said, making me laugh. The laugh caused Frankie to make a kissy face at me, only making me worried Josh would somehow know. "I wasn't sure what you were planning, but do you want me to get dinner? You know, like we did last time?"

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