Body Dismorphia

184 21 6

Date of entry: 7.24.2023

When I tell you
That this shit is real!
It destroys any confidence
And happiness you feel

A camera comes your way
And you're running for the hills
Running towards your next diet
Or to your next set of pills

In your mind you're not that big
I still look pretty good
Then you see your self in the mirror
You clearly misunderstood

When did I get that back roll?
Are my arms really that big?
The longer you look the more you find
So the deeper you start to dig

They could've told me to stand up straighter
Or told me to suck it in
Before they took the picture
I told them, "Make me look thin"

I go back to my Insta
And delete all my pics
What was I thinking?
What was I? Sick?

Why did I think I was cute?
When clearly I was not
Add a couple of rude comments
And I'll really stir the pot!

I'll spiral every night
In the mirror I will stare
At all my extra parts
That I wish weren't there

The way my rolls devour everything
From my underwear to my bra
Crying myself to sleep
Feeling everything, so raw

Thank God I'm not rich
Because I'd spend it all
On major body surgery
Til I was skinny and small

I'd pay to erase my insecurities
Pay my way to good health
But even then I'd still probably see
The fat girl in myself

AN: I do not suffer from body dysmorphia, but that's because I'm constantly in front of a camera and I've learned to accept who I am, but I know many many close friends and family who suffer from it and it kills me to see it!

To all of you suffering with it, you are beautiful in the skin that you're in and I love you for who you are!

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