The Fighter

640 39 13

Date of entry: 6.30.23

Thank you for showing me God
Mom and dad
I feel bad for those girls who
Wish their parents had

When you couldn't be there
While I was being tormented in school
God had my back
I used His light as a tool

He rid me of the darkness
And guided the way
All I had to do
Was listen and obey

This poem goes out
To those plus size girls who don't know Him
I tell you it helped a lot
While I was growin'

When I was teased
I'd turned the other cheek
My faith was my strength
I was not seen as weak

So what, they called me fat
And made me feel as big as a whale
I prayed on through it
And lived to tell the tale

Those "scratches" on your arms
Don't go unseen
He sees them and feels them
And knows where you've been

Even in your darkest moments
He was right by your side
He listened to the unsaid prayers
And caught the tears you cried

He wouldn't give you
More than you could hold
That's why he put some extra love
In your body mold

Your life may be tougher than others
It's true
But that's because he knew
There was a fighter in you

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