Closeted Chubby Chasers

299 23 6

Date of entry: 7.6.23

Do you know how it feels
To be embarrassed
Or shamed
By the person you trust
In every step of the game?

The game is the flirting
The prize
Is a date
He wants to hang out
But only when it's late

When your curves
Are hidden
By the darkness of the night
And cuddling up to you
Is out of the public's sight

To his friends
You're just
With no feelings
To defend

You're seen together
He freaks out
Now this can't be for real!
Was any of it true
Does he feel how I feel?

His family
Has no clue
That he's even
Seeing you

He tells you that
They know
But you know it isn't true
He says "that day will come"
But that time's already due

Your presence isn't shown
In pictures
On his phone
You start to think
That maybe you'll be
Better off alone

You are proud of your curves
And you know you're worth
Much more
And yet you only
Let him love you
Behind closed doors

He loves you in the dark
And only then are you
"his girl"
But he doesn't deserve you
If he's not gonna tell the world!

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