Hanging out with Roxy

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Recap: After helping Roxy feel better, Y/N continued to check up on the other animatronics. Though because Y/N picked up Roxanne easily, the animatronics were in shock. Monty challenged her to pick up himself, Freddy, and Chica to test her strength. She did just that and proved how strong she was. Though her strength doesn't stop there. She checked up on Gregory and Roxy and ended up giving them a few gifts. This is where the story continues...

Nobody's POV

About a half hour later after checking up on Roxanne and Gregory, Roxanne left the charging station. She remembered the kiss you gave her on her nose. It made her happy but a bit flustered. She has never had these types of feelings. She doesn't know what they are.

Roxy ended up walking out of the room where her charging station was and walked into her green room. Though she did not expect what was waiting inside her room. Her eyes widened as she saw the medium sized boxes. She didn't know who they were from until she saw the letter on one of the boxes. The letter read:

"I hope you feel better Roxanne, I left you a couple things in these boxes for you to keep. I want you to continue to actually think positively of yourself. Stop doubting yourself. You are perfect just the way you are. Don't let others' bad words get to you. If they do that, they aren't worth it. Once you are done charging, we could start our hangout. Maybe we could go to your Raceway and Race! I have always loved racing and I can't wait to race with you. Especially along side you. In fact, I know you idolize me, but there is something you should know. I idolize you as well! I do hope my soothing helped you a bit. Sweet dreams for now Roxy" - Signed Y/N

After reading the letter, Roxanne couldn't believe her eyes. You still wanted to hangout with her. You especially wanted to race which made her even happier. When she read that you idolize her, her pupils enlarged so much. She never knew you idolized her.

Roxanne opened the boxes to see your limited edition makeup that was sold out within practically seconds. Along with some homemade outfits which were what you basically wore on the magazines. You had gotten her a few plushies too, of all of her friends. Including a Lolbit plushie. When she finished opening the boxes she had a whole lot of new things. Even a tire that was signed by a famous race car driver.

Her mood boosted up so much by your thoughtfulness. She ended up running out of her room and straight to where you were last. Once she saw you she grabbed you and hugged you from behind. She cried a bit, but these weren't sad tears, these were happy tears.

"Woah! Oh, hi Roxy! Did you sleep well? How are you feeling?" you were startled but checked up on Roxanne.

"Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! I did have a good sleep thanks for asking and I feel a lot better now." she exclaimed.

You giggled at her happiness. The others watched everything (-Gregory, he is still sleeping), happy that Roxanne no longer was in a bit of a mood, but shocked because they have never seen this side of Roxanne much. Usually after she was crying, she would block everybody off and give off a cold attitude. That didn't happen with you.

"You want to go racing now Roxy?" you asked.

"YES! Ahem, I mean sure!" Roxy replied.

Roxanne then grabbed your arm, soft enough not to hurt you but strong enough to pull you. You waved bye to the others as Roxanne brought you to "Roxy Raceway".

As soon as you walked in, you heard a recorded message of Roxy saying "Hey, I'm Roxanne Wolf. You're looking for high speed motor mayhem, Roxy Raceway is the place to be. Sign up today and be a winner! Nobody likes a loser"

"Hmmm, I like the announcement. Especially since it is in your voice Roxy~" You flirted. Your personality was usually sweet a kind, but there are times when you are flirty or mean.

"H-huh? U-uhm thank you N/N" Roxy stutters at your compliment.

"Let's go! I can't wait to race you!" you say excitedly.

Time skip (4:00 am, you have been racing for an hour and a half.)

"Wow, you are really good at driving N/N. Nobody has beat me before."

"Well, I guess I am just lucky. I mean, I do drive a car so I have gotten a bit of practice. In fact, I used to go places just to race on race tracks at carnivals and whatnot." you admit.

"Oooh. Well I bet you are hungry, after all, I am also hungry~" she says. She gave a slight smirk though you didn't notice.

"Yeah, I can go for some food right now. I haven't had pizza in a long time so let's go get some pizza."

Roxanne slightly laughed. You wondered why.

"Why are you laughing?" you ask.

"You didn't even realize the joke I made when I asked if you were hungry." She laughed a bit harder.

It took you a bit before you realized. You became a blushing mess.

"AGH! WHY?! I meant food like pizza." You laughed but you were a bit angry at Roxanne's comment.

"Hehe, alright. I was joking! Let's actually go get something to eat." Roxanne said.

She grabbed your arm once again and brought you to one of the restaurants that served pizza. You had a blast so far. Though you did need sleep so you said goodbye to Roxanne and went into the room that was prepared for you. You fell asleep after a while of thinking. Thinking about what happened today and how happy you were with how everything was going. The last thought that went through your head was:

'Goodnight everyone.'

Chapter 4 is out now and this is it. The next chapter was inspired by a request that was made by Bonnieboi292. Also, sorry if it was short :')

Love you guys and thank you for reading this :D

If you have any ideas, feel free to tell me!

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