29 - Adonis is back?!

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Your pov
I woke up and I was met with a peaceful face of Zoro. His quiet snores were cute, his cheek being squished a bit. I kissed his forehead and went to do my normal morning routine; brush teeth, workout, shower, eat, brush teeth, hang out with Zoro, clean the deck, and help Sanji cook. I noticed lately that I could always sneak inside an enemy's base without being noticed. So my role in this ship was a spy, or a one-man infiltration team. I decided that today!

We landed on a mysterious Island, though it had a town, I don't think it has a name. Nami told me what to do and I nod, I put on my subtle disguise and I went into the Island. As I roamed, I noticed they were mass producing these weird looking fruits. I guess they're devil fruits, well, they're not really producing them they're just hauling it in the island.

I told Nami and the others before they all went to my hiding spot. I found an abandoned house so that's that, I told them to stay while I go infiltrate this island. Surprisingly, Luffy agreed. I go and knock one of them out and steal the uniform they're wearing.

"Hey you! Come help, the ship will be departing soon." A worker said. I ran and helped while I observed the place. I heard something.

"Did you know? Most of the boxes are people, they'll be sold off to the celestial dragons."

My eyes widened at that information, I guess Luffy and the others heard that.(she has a hidden voice recorder and it's transmitting live audio straight to the crew, she asked usopp and franky to make it but she eventually did it herself)

I carried on with the task and there I found people in cells, they were all cuffed. From children to old people. The crazy thing about this is that all the people are girls.

"Cell, Girls, Cuff, South."I whispered to let the others know.

"What are you doing there? Drop that here." Someone said and I rush there.

"Did you guys find Y/N yet??" One asks.

"No." All said.

Me? Why are they finding me?

Then someone entered the room, they had white short hair and wore sunglasses. Just then, every worker stopped what they were doing and bow, I did the same.

"Adonis-sama has arrived!"



I return to where we hid, reported everything to everyone.

"That's just... Horrible." Nami said.

"Y/n-chan's not wearing a dress..." Sanji cried.

"I think their leader is Adonis. He's my ex-husband... I guess.." I told them and they all had shocked faces. But one face was angry.

"You had a husband???" They all whisper yell.

"Doesn't matter, it was just a deal anyway. I'll explain the details later but I'll only tell the highlight on why only girls are in the cells."

"They're finding me. I'm sure of it. I left and divorced Adonis on the day we married, I landed on an only male Island so.. yeah you get the idea." I summarized.

"So... Why did they bother taking other women..?"

"I'm not sure. That's what I'm wondering too." I said.

"Here's the plan.. I will surrender myself--"

"No." Three people objected.

"Zoro, Luffy, Sanji..."

"Why are you surrendering yourself? Isn't that kinda reckless?"

"It's not kinda, it is reckless." Sanji corrected Zoro.

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