17 - A goodbye

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Luffy couldn't believe his eyes, his one and only brother died in his arms. He was devastated, in shock, and engulfed with guilt. Ace's words swirled in his mind and he had lost himself, his mind replaying Ace's death. He couldn't breathe, he was suffocating with sadness. Luffy cried. Jimbei noticed Luffy was unguarded and Akainu was going after him, so he took Luffy and protected him.

Y/n was shocked, then Blackbeard arrived, making this more complicated. He rained bullets to Whitebeard and he had died standing. She felt her heart sting, tears flooded her eyes, everyone was dying. She couldn't see clearly, she was blocked by sadness. She picked up the red bead from ace's necklace, she kept it somewhere.


Then she saw Jinbei get punched in the stomach and Luffy was affected. Making an 'x' burn on Luffy.

Every voice was disappearing, this made Koby stressed and so was Y/n. Then Red Haired, Shanks, arrived. He proposed that he take their bodies and put them in a proper burial, and that, it was enough shame(if that's the word he said) to their dead bodies.

They agreed and she saw Luffy was getting in a submarine before it emerged underwater. Aokiji and Kizaru we're still going after them, she then runs to Mihawk, aka Hawk-eye, She took one last look at where Luffy was before they went home, she kept her feelings all to herself and decided to let it burst when she's at her room.



"Don't you feel bad for them?" She asked him while he rowed the boat, you helping after.

He didn't answer and just kept rowing.

"Why are you dressed like that? I know you don't like those." He said changing the topic and pointing at your revealing outfit.

"Hancock made me wear it to look like i was an heir to the throne." She(you) explained.

"I see. Put this on.. " he said lending you his coat. You thanked him.

"Are you excited to go home?"He asks and you nodded.

"Is mom there?" She asks, he shrugged.

"Don't know, she's a busy woman." He said.



"Please... Please train me! I want to be stronger! I can't become a swordsman if I'm still this weak!" She says with tears brimming her eyes, as she looked at her dad.

He frowned. Her heart dropped.

"I am disappointed, Y/n.."

She swallowed all her pride, if she couldn't protect the crew then there's no point in staying in the crew. She bowed.

"Please, Hawk-eye. Train me to become a better swordsman." She says.

He knew that ever since a kid, you never begged for something unless it was for someone or something. He sighs, puts the paddles aside and lifts you up for a hug. Like he always did when you did these things.

"You silly daughter." He mumbles as he hugged you.

"I'll teach you everything i know." He said as he let go.

"Thank you." You smiled and cheered.

"I will cook you food when we arrive!" She says, he laughs and nods.

"I hope mom's there!" You cheered.

Your pov
I helped dad paddle the boat, i remember moving here with dad and Mom. It was cool, it had these gorillas who i trained with since i was a kid, of course, dad was there to supervise me.

Mom doesn't really like the idea of her daughter becoming like her husband, but she eventually accepted and had been supporting me ever since. Dad also introduced me to cooking, which led me to experimenting foods and cooking stuff, and then i feed them to the gorilla's and gain their feedbacks. I laugh at the memory,

"Are we there yet?" I complained.

"Not yet." He said.

"Is this a part of training?" I asked complaining that my arms hurt from rowing.

He nods. I sighed.

"I heard you joined in a pirate crew.."i heard dad start.

"Um.. eheh, yeah, i did join." I said nervously.

"Would you mind telling me who your crew mates are?" He asked.

"You aren't gonna sink their ship... Right?" I asked nervously, knowing dad, he would sink it.

"No, i won't." He said.

"Pshh, if you sink the ship I'll drown with them." I said crossing my arms.

He laughs and ruffles my hair.

"I'll teach you how to swim too." He laughs and i pout.

"You jerk! Stop laughing!" I said trying not to smile.

"Okay, i won't sink it, tell me already." He said going back to his stone cold face.

"So my Captain, the others and i help people!" I said and he looked at me weirdly.

"Pirates helping people?"

"Well.. I've joined a pretty good pirate group, they're all their selves and just being friends enjoying an adventure, I don't know my role on the ship though. Sometimes I'm the helmsman, sometimes cook, swordsman, and other stuff. I don't really know my role there, so i guess I'll ask that to my captain when we meet again." I said.

"If you're feeling that you're a nuisance to them, you aren't." He said.

"Oh shut up, when did you get lovey dovey?!" I blurted out looking away.

"I see it! I see the castle!!" I cheered.

"Stop jumping! We'll sink!" He says and i stopped.

"Nothing changed! It's like the same when i left." I said looking at the castle.

"I'm going to cook something, meet you there dad." I said before i jumped and i sank. I panicked and waved my hands.

Narrator's pov
Hawk-eye sighs and jumped in the water, he caught y/n and pulled her up to the surface.

"Seriously, you need to pay attention." He said putting y/n on the boat, she coughs.

"I thought it wasn't that deep anymore." She says as she coughs out the water.

They have landed and she ran to the castle, she saw the gorillas and waved at them. She runs and stopped for air before running again, she had arrived at the door and opened it up. Her eyes widened and screamed.

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