20 - Quick Date

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Zoro and Y/n arrived at the Sabaody park, where all the fun stuff is. Y/n remembers everything, she was like a kid that Zoro has to babysit. Though she's taller than him...

"Zoro, can we ride that?! Oh my! Can we ride that one too!?" She excitedly says tugging on his shirt.

"I'd prefer you to ride me." He bluntly says before making Y/n freeze and blush. Steam coming out of her.

"Y-you dumbass marimo! Stupid! Stupid!" She says while hitting him.

He kissed her cheek and led her to the ferris wheel. She remembered Camie, she smiled. She then hugs Zoro.



"How do we tell the others about us?" She asks burying her face deeper in his chest. She touches his chest and pinched his nipple making the greenette uncontrollably groan, she chuckled and Zoro took out her hand.

"I don't really know, why can't we just tell them?" He says.

"But it'd be boring! I want them to be surprised!" She smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Fine, fine. When we reach the Fish-man Island." He said kissing her forehead.

"Yay!" She cheered giving him a quick hug. He smiled a bit.

"Zoro, I can't help but feel guilty." She says.

"Not this again!" He groaned.

"BUT IT WAS MY FAULT YOU LOST YOUR EYE!" she yells teary eyed.

'she's been hanging out too much with that ghost girl.' Zoro thought

"Stop acting cute, damn it!" He yelled

"I told you it's part of our training! Whatever happens it was just training and an accident, It was my fault for not dodging!" He said crossing his arms.

"But I can't help but feel guilty." She cried.

"Stop crying already." He groaned.

"I wanna do something interesting.." she says looking at him, he blushed.

"Want me to blow you off?" She asks. He nods.

Then she blew him. Literally.

"You-- HOW COULD YOU LEAD ME ON LIKE THAT!!!" he yelled angrily while blushing.

"What were you expecting?" She pretends.

"Fine, shut up already. I'll buy you booze." She said returning to her composed self. They got off and went to a bar and drank.

"It's not like you have money to pay me back." She mocks.

"Oh shut up." He groans.

"You see my bounty? Don't need these other numbers when I got you, my number one." she says as she looked at Zoro. Which made the Greenie blush and drank the alcohol in one go.

After that they left the bar.

"That was fun!" She says. Zoro nods in agreement.

"Yo! Let's sleep in that hotel!" She says dragging Zoro.



Y/n had regretted taking Zoro in a hotel, she couldn't even walk after last night's events. Zoro went a little hard on her but it's all good, she took it all in like a pro--

Okay wtf am I even typing?


After days or so, Nami had arrived, so did Usopp. Brook was also holding a concert, Franky  went to check on the Sunny but was surprised at what he saw. It was Kuma, he was covered in swords and blood and broken pieces.

"Mission complete" he said before going away. 

Franky was confused and was amazed. There weren't any scratches on the ship. Sanji also arrived. He approached every lady he saw. Robin arrived too, She was confused at the posters. She then went to the mangrove #40 and met Franky. They talked and waited for the others.

Zoro had to carry Y/n out of the hotel, she couldn't walk one bit.

"Sorry.." he says.

"Damare. It was your own fault." She said grumpily.

"I said sorry!" He said.

"Just shut up." She say and let Zoro carry her.

"Stupid, that ain't the way." She said.

"Fishing! Let's goooo!" She cheered.

"Shut up." He complained.

Edit: next chapter's gonna be sum steamy shi

HAHAHAHAHA That's all for today, see youuuu later? Idk

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