Chapter 9: Day At The Beach

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December 18, 2022. “A hot Sunday on the beach. It's pretty normal for a fifteen year old to be in a bikini at the beach, and I must say I enjoyed all the attention I was getting. Cerise accompanied me to the beach and Mr Davids, I mean Tim just so happen to be there too. Apparently Cerise and Tim know each other from way-back-when. It all started this morning when the weather refused to cooperate with me. I asked my parents for permission to go to the beach and of course they agreed on the condition that Cerise come with me. I had no problem with it, especially since I knew he wouldn't be as protective as my parents thought he was going to be. Plus, I may or may not have told Tim that I'm going to the beach. When I saw him shirtless, I knew my future is going to be heaven. We didn't make it too obvious that we're dating in case someone from school saw us. The tree three of us had a fun time together. We played volleyball, built sand castles, you know the usual. I noticed someone looking at me from afar but I didn't mind, they were probably awestruck by my beauty. I swear, I sound like an arrogant snob writing this.

“Tim and I were able to have some alone time where there weren't too many people and I made sure no one from school was around us. I leaned on his shoulder and I simply enjoyed it, but I still have that nasty feeling from before. But I ignored it and enjoyed my time at the beach with the man who I should not be dating but still am because I love him but I also might get him fired. And that's what I'm afraid of, I'm scared that he'll blame me for losing his job if someone finds out about us and decides to tell the higher ups. It was as if he read my mind, because he reassured me at that moment that he will not blame me if he were to lose his job. He kissed me on my forehead. It got late and I had to go home. The only person I could trust was Cerise, he knows me better than anyone. “Today was a good day. I enjoyed it a lot. It also helped me relax because of the big performance next week. Well, goodbye for now dear diary.” Alex wrote before closing Kim's diary. She decided to use it as her own, to fill the whole book. Her mother called her down for supper.

”Are you feeling okay sweetheart?” “Yes, Mom. I'm fine.” They begin to eat. “So, Alex, just an ordinary question from a father to his daughter...” No. Alex knew that when he starts off like that, it is definitely not an ordinary question. “Are you seeing anyone?” “I see you and Mom in front of me.” Alex couldn't help but giggle at her answer. “Good one. Are you in a relationship with anyone? Because earlier, you glowed. Just like your mother did when we made it official.” Alex looked down to her food. She and Tim hadn't actually made it official. “I just saw this really cute boy at the beach and we spoke for a bit. But, sadly, I didn't get his number.” “Don't worry sweetheart, there are plenty of fish in the sea.” Her father burst out laughing at his own joke. Since Alex was at the beach, he thought it'd be appropriate. Her mother rolled her eyes. Alex looked at them, hoping that she and Tim will be as happy as these two when they have a family. Positive thoughts create positive outcomes.

There was one thing Alex did not write in her diary, and for good reason. Alex walks to her room ready to sleep in some cute new pajamas she just got. She tries to forget about the real reason she was glowing. The most exiting moment of her life, and very illegal. OMW! After Tim promises her that he's never going to blame her in case he loses his job, he kisses her on her forehead. As Alex thought it would stop, he pushes her down into the sand. “What are you do-” Tim licks her neck. His arm around her waist, his leg between hers. He lifts her up, giving her the deepest kiss imaginable. Her bra comes loose almost falling off but he puts his chest against hers. Tim works his hands through her long, thick hair. “I'd better stop, before we create something unintentional.” Tim suggests. “Yeah.” Alex replies, fixing her bra. “This was nice. I can't wait till I'm older.” The two stand up, Tim corners Alex by the rock they were sitting behind and kisses her gently, “One day, we'll be happy together.”

“One day...” Alex says to herself staring at her ceiling

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