Chapter 4: Angel of Envy

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October 25, 2022. “According to a bird, Alex's birthday is on November 2. Everyone should get her something since she's kinda still new.” Layla said to everyone while Alex went to the restroom. “Don't you think that's a little out of the blue?” Everyone turns to Max agreeing with him. “True, but as your class representative it is my job to make sure that everyone gets along. And we will do this for everyone in the class.” Layla proclaims. “I have a bad feeling...” Oscar says worriedly. “As long as you stay positive, everything will be just right, right?” Layla says with the most positive smile. “Yeah, maybe I'm just being paranoid.” Oscar says relieved. “It obviously doesn't have to be anything bug, something like note, flower, or chocolate should do, after all she is a girl. No girl can resist chocolate.” Layla continues, “It's been three minutes, she should be back by now, act normal.” “Do girls really take that long 'fixing' themselves.” Max proceeds to ask. Alex enters the class and heads to her seat, right next to Max, “It's your birthday soon right, what would you like me to get you?” “Well, I'd like to get the most expensive Louis Vuitton bag, some freshly baked goods and the latest iPhone Infinite S54 Ultra Max.” Alex says sarcastically. Everyone looks at the two of them. “I'm just kidding, all I want is love and affection from someone I can't have it from.” Alex continues. “From who?” Max asks. “I can't say, but we're friends so that's good.” Alex answers.

“It's 2:57pm, when will the bell ring?” Marc asks from the back, “I want to go home and choke my chicken!” The class falls silent. “Me too Marc, me too,” Max responds “And I need to urgently pet my kitty when I get home,” Claudine comments. “Uhh... okay. Everyone can leave two minute earlier. You're dismissed.” Ms Thornhill says disturbed. Everyone leaves. Before leaving Alex decides to say goodbye to Mr Davids for the day. Alex arrives. She and Mr Davids talk for a bit. Without realizing it, Layla had followed Alex and was recording everything. Mr Davids and Alex approach the door, Layla runs around the corner before they spot her. “I must say, I enjoy your company a lot. If you were older, I would've definitely asked you out.” Mr Davids says nervously before chuckling. “Wow being this hot is such a drag, everyone wants a piece of you” Alex replies and starts laughing, “I have to go, see you tomorrow sir!” Mr Davids stares at her running off. “I'm so definitely, certainly, undoubtedly, inevitably getting arrested.” Mr Davids says while walking off. Layla manages to get all of what was said on recording.

"I'm home." Layla greets lively. "When were you planning on informing me that Alexander Newman transferred to your school?" Colt Pierre, Layla's father, asks sternly. "I assumed you already knew." Layla responded with a cold tone. "I will not stand being embarrassed like last time." Colt says. "I couldn't care less about your image, she will pay for not letting me have all the attention I deserved." Layla states, "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" "Your mother handling everything." Colt responds. Layla goes to her room and takes her phone out. She plays the video from earlier, "This isn't enough. I need something concrete, something that will shake her, something like more attention... bad attention. I will ruin her completely and utterly to point that she won't want to come back. This is the perfect plan." Layla says sadistically and laughs maniacally. She goes to her desk and turns her laptop on, she saves the video on it in case anything were to happen to her phone. “Firstly, I'll have to set the stage with your birthday,” Layla plots, “but what could I possibly do?” Layla grins.

October 26, 2022, 12:02PM. “Layla and Oscar will be handing out your essays,” Ms Pearl says ever so warmly. All the essays are done being handed out, except Layla's, Alex's and Max's. “Could Layla, Alexander and Max please step forward.” Ms Pearl requests. Both girls stand in front. “Can everyone please give both of them a round of applause, Layla scored 47/50, Alexander 49/50 and Max got 50/50!” Everyone clapped for them. “Max, congratulations.” Alex says enthusiastically. “Thanks, I guess.” Max replies “I didn't think I would top Layla. But here we are.” Layla forced the most positive smile she could muster. “HowHowHowHowHowHow? How could this happen? Because of her I came third! No, calm down. Perfection calls for destruction and the perfect deductive plan takes time.” Layla whispers to herself, while glaring at Alex as all three go to sit down. “Congrats, I wish I made to third place,” Oscar says while showing Layla his mark, he got 46/50. “Yeah, but if I stay positive I will come first in the upcoming tests.” Layla responds as enthusiastically as she can with all her built up anger. “May I please use the restroom?” “Yes, you may.” Ms Pearl answers. Layla exits the classroom.

“Ma'am, I have an emergency, may I please use the restroom?” Alex asks. Ms Pearl catches the hint and allows her to go. Of course, Alex was lying, she followed Layla to the restroom. No one was inside except Layla, Alex was outside within hearing range. “Deep breaths, deep breaths, my anger is mine but I am not my...” Layla stops before raging and slams her fist into the wall and cracks it. “Alexander Newman, I will completely and utterly destroy you and your seemingly happy life and reputation. History really repeats itself, I was top of all my classes until you showed up out of nowhere and took first place from me and now I will take your sanity from you!” “Now I remember,” Alex speaks up, “Layla Pierre. I didn't recognize you, the last time I saw you, you had shorter hair and apparently were jealous of my intelligence.” Layla stares at her for a moment, she puts her innocent smile back on, “I wasn't jealous, I just wanted all the attention that I used to get back, something that belonged to me.” Layla replies with her angelic tone and heads back to class. “I guess I should change the name Angelic Witch to Angel of Envy, it suits her perfectly.” Alex says as she exits the restroom.

Mr Davids spots Alex as she's going to class, “Hey kiddo.” “Sir, hi. How are you” Alex replies unprepared. “I'm doing great, I hear it's your birthday next week, would you like me to get you anything?” Mr Davids asks. “No, you don't have to get me anything, but thanks for the offer.” Alex says while heading back to her class. “I'm getting arrested, I'm getting arrested, oh, I'm gonna be arrested, yeah, yeah.” Mr Davids sings as he heads to the staff room. Alex enters the class and sits down. Layla and Alex glare at each other for a brief moment, Layla's glare seems so innocent with her smile while Alex maintains a stern look, “All this tension is making me nervous.” Max says. “What's going on, the whole class can feel you two indirectly arguing,” Oscar says nervously as well. The two stop their staring contest but the class was dead silent for the rest of the day. School is out. Alex waits for her driver to pick her up by the school gates. He is normally at school five minutes prior to it being dismissed. As she waits, Alex spots Layla. She walks up to her, “Look, I really want to be your friend, so can't we put the past behind us?” Layla gives Alex a death glare, “You took MY spotlight, you took all the attention that belonged to ME. When I found out you were not at Enigma High last year, I thought my life would be great again, but you just had to come here...” Layla says in a dull tone, “But I'd better stop, before I get worked up Isn't that your driver? I'll see you tomorrow, bye.” She continued in a very hyper pitched voice. Alex heads to her car and drives home. Max was standing behind a tree, listening to the two girls' conversation. Alex gets home, throws her bag onto her bed and she crashes. She looks at Kim's diary.

She gets up and heads to September 15 2021 and reads that day's entry, “Another positive day, after all this time I was finally able to ask him his number, And he gave it to me. But I'm not going to message him right away, I'll wait till late at night, the best conversations always happen at night. Now all I got to do is somehow make him fall for me, but how? I'll figure it out. Well his birthday is a few months away. I should ask him what to get him.” Alex reads with a sad tone. “I have a bad feeling about my birthday,” She says concerned.

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