Chapter 2: What Story Shall I Chose?

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October 10, 2022. “Morning everyone! I hope everyone is amazing, because I have cupcakes. There's strawberry, chocolate and mint for everyone.” Alex exclaimed when she entered class. “Cool!” one classmate said, “Thanks a lot!” another said. “You should be our class rep!” Max said. “What?!” Layla asked as she entered the classroom. “Girl, chill, I was only joking. Hmm!You should really try these.” said Max. “Oh, I'm glad to hear that, for a second I thought I wasn't living up to my expectations as class representative,” Layla replied. “Here, have some, Iris.” Alex said. “Kim used to do the same thing last year, didn't he Max?” Layla asked. “Yeah, good thing Oscars not coming in today,” Max answered. “Kim, again?” Alex asked. “Who is he?” Instead of answering, Layla walked off. “We don't talk much about HIM, uh, he was our classmate but he... left us,” Max replied. Max sees Josh standing by the door signaling him to go to him. “I gotta go, thanks for the cupcakes.” “Glad you enjoyed them,” Alex replied. The bell rings, “French everyone!” Layla yells.

Everyone leaves and Alex walks towards the door, then she notices something under the classroom bookshelf. She picks it up. It's a book. “This belongs to...” Alex stops in her tracks, she puts it in her bag and heads to class. She runs into class. “You're-” Mr Davids tries to reprimand her but she replies in a split second “Sorry I'm late.” She goes to her seat. “Let this be the last time, miss,” Mr Davids says. “One can't make promises they can't keep, sir,” Alex replies. “True.” said Mr Davids. Alex takes the book she found from her bag out and decides to read it. “Dear diary? Today I saw the cutest boy in my class, He has bushy brown hair and hazel eyes that I can look at for days. His name is...” before she could finish, the bell rang. “HUH? I swear it's only been five, minutes.” Alex says. “Time flies fast in the world of books.” Max said.

“Oscar...” just as she said it, Alex received a message from Oscar. “Speak of the devil and he shall message you.” “Can you please send me the work after school, thanks.” Oscar requested. She is about to run to her next class but is stopped by Mr Davids “Wait a moment, I just wanted to ask... How has your week of school been...?” “It's been...” Alex looks at the book she found before answering “Positive! It's been positive.” “That's great to hear, I wanted to ask you last week, but I didn't get the chance because I never get your class on Fridays. That's all I wanted to know. If you need anything just ask me.” Mr Davids replied. Alex hesitated for a moment but then looked at the book and she did the unthinkable “Can I have your number?” She asked. Mr Davids looked shocked but replied “I don't know can you? Ar-”

“Yes, I can. Now give it. I'll message you if I need anything” Alex replied before Mr Davids could finish. They exchanged numbers and she ran to her class. “OMG, YES! I got his number by some... positive... miracle. And I can't help but feel that it's all thanks to you.” Alex said while looking at the book. As she ran, a photograph slips out of the book and she stops to pick it up. In this photo, she sees two boys sitting together, one is Oscar and the other one she does not know who he is but he looks so happy, alive and... “Positive thoughts leads to a positive outcome...” Alex read at the back of the photo. She puts it back and runs to class.

“Well I surely, positively hope that Ms Pearl isn't in her class yet.” Alex says running up the stairs. To her shock, she wasn't in her classroom. It had been ten minutes into the period and she wasn't there. She goes to stand with the rest of her classroom. “Hey Max, come here,” Alex calls him. “Don't ask where I got this, who is he?” asked Alex. “That's Kim Kardashian West.” Max replies with a grin. “Kim? Earlier you said he left, why did he leave Enigma High?” Alex asked. “Well let's just say, life had it's own plans. But let this be the last time you ask me or anyone about him, especially Oscar. DO NOT ASK HIM ABOUT KIM. And I don't know where you got that photo but make sure he doesn't see it either. Just focus on yourself, okay?” Max replied. Alex is a little surprised, but instead of backing down, she takes this as a challenge, “A great journalist always uncovers the truth.” Alex says as walking off. “Oh dear, may positivity be with you." Max replies. Ms Pearl finally arrives “My apologies for being late everyone.” She unlocks the class and everyone walks inside. “Alexander dear, could you go to Mr Davids' class, he's requesting your presence.” Ms Pearl says with the kindest, but almost creepy smile. Alex puts her bags down and goes back to his class, “Would it be a good idea to continue this investigation? I mean it doesn't even concern me, he's a former classmate nothing more. Maybe I should just let this go... Or maybe not? Ugh! Why am I like this, sticking my nose where it doesn't belong.” She takes out her iPhone Nokia C14 Pro Max, she heads to Oscar's chat rethinking if she should ask him about Kim. Before she realizes it, she is by Mr Davids' class. She puts everything on pause and enters.
“Perfect, I wanted to give you this as a welcome gift,” he says as he gives her a small box. “I forgot to give it to you earlier. I hope you like it.” She opens it and it's a key chain that says “Your mom's a whore?” Alex reads confused. “What? Sorry that's for someone else,” Mr Davids says, laughing nervously. “Here you go.” Alex takes it and opens it, “Be your best self.” “Do you like it?” Davids asks. “It's motivational, that's for sure. Thanks.” “My pleasure, you should get to class, see you tomorrow.” Davids says as Alex leaves. “Is he interested in me? No, yes? No, he's just being nice, I mean why would he be interested in a, almost, fifteen year old girl?” Alex says as she walks to class. “Where did you get that badge?” Max asks as Alex walks in. “A friend of mine,” Alex replies. “Say could you send me the work from French and this class, I need to write it in my book. Alex continues her day. She gets home and sends Oscar all the work he missed. But the more she resists the temptation, the more she wants to give in. She is so eager to find out more about Kim. "Fine, it's settled, I'll start an official investigation tomorrow, but for now I have to figure out if the handsome male teacher has a thing for cute little girls," she says jokingly. "How could once person's absence have an effect on a class of twenty-five students? Was he popular, or maybe he was a good class rep, Iris said that he used to bring everyone cupcakes too. Iris... who are you? You seem like this perfect angel but I see a veil of deception surrounding you and everyone is under your spell, but why was i spared, why was i not affected by your spell?" She walks to the book on her table and looks at the photo, "So many stories... so little time to investigate them... or rather I won't make time." Her phone vibrates, it's a reply from Oscar "Thanks."

Oscar puts his phone on his desk and just as he was about to lay down, someone knocks on his front door. He goes downstairs to open. "Joshua, hi. How are you?" Oscar asked with a depressed voice. "You look horrible, your eyelids look heavy, you're breathing indicates your nose is blocked," Josh leans forward to feel his head, "and you're 40°C. "I think it'll be best if you were to leave, it might be contagious," Oscar said sternly. "I came to give you these," Josh says as he hands Oscar cupcakes, "Mint, your favorite flavor." "Thanks... Kim." Oscar says with a warm, lively, positive smile. "Kim?" Josh asks. "My apologies, thank you Joshua, I'll see you next week at school." Oscar says, closing the door.

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