Chapter - 4

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It's morning now . Sun is just showing his face .
And guess what Daria screamed. I was know that why she was screamed. Death body of pollux and castor. Yeah . Me, Alyssa and Deneb arrived into the room . Alyssa was screaming and crying, Deneb was full of tears . Alyssa said what happened to them WHAT HAPPENED TO THEMMMMMMMM!
I couldn't control myself because i don't know why it was so funny. I immediately leave the room .
And i entered into my room and laughed hard .
After some momments i stopped laughing .
With another scissor i hurt myself for tears.
I finally tears came out and i went outside.
Police was arrived . I wasn't shaking . I was just happy that now , they will investigate who is the killer and the result will be nothing because they would never reach to me . Police's main chief
Mr.Cameron Jones asked everything that if we know something . Finally he asked me i answered politely
Sir , i heard footsteps when it was 2-3 am but i thought it was my imagination so i didn't care.
Mr. Cameron jones asked is it all? I said yes ,
I have brain damage that's why i thought it was my imagination . He said Alright. They took pollux and
Castor and gone away. Alyssa and Deneb requested me stay at their home at least this night so i decided to stay.Next day Mr. Cameron Jones
Came and said us that they was stabbed by something sharp like scissor or knife . Our imagination say that it is a scissor. And also they are stabbed 50 times . Both are died in one stabb, but the killer stabbed them 50 times . I don't
Know what kind of enemy is the killer. And how could he kill this two little baby. Ok if the killer wants to kill them then kill them why he stabbed them that much. He is a psycho and before he kill someone else or one of you , we need to catch him. Tell me do You guys have any enemy? I said to myself that maybe Mr. Cameron Jones thought the killer is a boy . By the way . Alyssa started crying so hard Deneb said no we don't have any enemy.
I can see that Deneb's eyes was full of tears like mine when he told me that he is getting married to another woman . I liked the view so much.
Now it's 9 pm everyone is in their room i was in my room too . Suddenly My ears perked up , My eyes got blurry , something was whispering in my ears .
It says "isfiskissukipstsshusssissssnissskillerkillerssssisssfisas" . Whatever.
But i heard that it was saying KILLER!!
I became senseless. Maybe 1-2 hours later
My sense came back Everything was still blurry and
My ear was still ringing. I stand up and tried to call Deneb ,but who is he ? He is nothing to me finally i called Daria . She came and helped me she gave me
One glass of Milk and egg . She was saying .
Lacerta maybe you need some protein please eat and dring . I drinked the milk and ate the egg.
Now it's a little bit normal she said you should take some rest , i think you need to sleep . I thanked her and fall into sleep . While sleeping something started to wisper in my ears. It says wake up we need to talk . I woke up and i saw my own dead mommm ! . She said to me, why did you do that?
You remember when i advised you to be a good person ? But now i can't believe in my own eyes that you've killed someone. If you didn't even kill an adult , how could you kill those boys ,who are no longer 1 month old ?how ? Answer me Lacerta.
I was astonished and couldn't talk . Something happaned to my voice why i cannot speak??
She also said , you will be not forgiven by me by those little child and by the lord you will burn in to the hell . HOW LACERTA? Did i teach you to murder??? ANSWER ME ! And suddenly my ears started ringing and everything gets blurry , i can't even see my mother. After some moments everything gets normal and i saw my mother was holding bloody pollux and castor. They was laughing. Mom said you are a psycho Lacerta YOU ARE THE GREAT PSYCHO ! i woke up from the dream , it was a dream, no it was a nightmare. It was surprising Daria was still in my room , sitting on a chair. And she is in deep sleep. I was astonished and happy that she is taking care of me like a friend.
It's morning now . I couldn't sleep that night after watching that nightmare. Daria woke up and said hey you wake up ? How do you feeling? Better than yesterday? I answered yes i am feeling good.
She said to want coffee ? I said yes. She is now going to the kitchen for making coffee for me .
I looked at my phone it was 8am . Suddenly i heard a scream, i thought maybe it's Daria but no
This is not her screaming. My brain and hurt playing with me again. My ears started to ringing again. I saw those little children now teenagers.
They looks fantastic . They was asking me
Why did you kill us ? Why did you ruined my childhood? I was screaming it's to much ringing.
I closed my eyes and screamed hard. Daria came at the Momment and relaxed me .
Why this happening with me ? Why i always saw my mother in the dream with those little childrens?
Daria said i don't know but i think It's a nightmare to you.

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