Chapter Fourteen

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I held my gaze on his, refusing to show fear as he traced the barrel of the gun over my cheeks. They say fight or flight in situations like this. Yet, I refused to show weakness. I refused to give him what he wanted.

"Pretty, but mouthy." He muttered. "I like my women a little more submissive."

"And you wonder why your wife had an affair?" I scoffed. Fucking idiot. Total asshole is what he was.

He tilted my chin with the gun. If his finger slipped, it would've been game over.

His gaze threatened violence. "What'd you say?" he clearly heard me. It was a challenge.

"Good-looking guy, just not a lot going on up there if you get me."

He frowned. Did I really have to spell it out for him? "You kidnap me for what... revenge? Right?"

"Yeah, to teach him a lesson." He really was as dumb as he looked.

"Why, though?"

He looked bewildered. "Why not! He slept with my wife."

"Did he force her?" I often praised myself for being open-minded.

He paced, getting more agitated. "What? No!"

"Then why did you go to all this hassle to kidnap me?" He stopped and looked at me. "She slept with him!"

"Then take it up with your wife!" My God, I was tired of his constant moaning. "Boo fucking hoo. She cheated, get over it and move on!"

That earned me a mighty smack across my face. If my legs and hands weren't chained to a rusty chair, I would've kicked him in the balls. Instead, I laughed, like laughed from the belly as my face recovered from the sting of his smack.

"For someone that's tied up, you're rather fucking irritating."


"Have you asked her why she felt the need to cheat? Doesn't she love you anymore? What did Jaxon give her that you can't?" I taunted.

"Shut the fuck up, or I swear—"

"You'll do what?" I interrupted. "Kidnap me?" I rolled my eyes. "Been there... done that." He threw into a rage and stormed over to the entrance of the main shutter and held up a gas can.

"Let's raise the stakes, shall we?" he asked.

Only then did my heart literally drop to my stomach. I prayed to God he was bluffing, and it was water he had stashed in that.

He opened the lid and splashed liquid all around the warehouse.

"He ruined my marriage." He spat, "they both deserve it."

"Who's they?" I asked. Just then, a muffled cry came from somewhere behind me. He stormed past me. I glanced from side to side, trying to see where he went. I bucked once, then twice before I toppled my chair over and landed with a painful thud. The stench of gasoline smothered my senses.

"Please, baby. Please don't do this. I love you." A strained voice came from behind me. I tilted my head to see him dragging Gloria, the girl I'd seen confront Jaxon outside his apartment building.

He threw her down, and she landed on her knees next to me. Smeared mascara covered her eyes. Her hands were shaking, and dried blood covered her lips. Bruises painted her face like a violent storm.

"He's crazy. He'll kill us all." She whimpered.

I watched him pour the rest of the gasoline everywhere and anywhere. Realization struck me. "He's going to burn us to the ground." I whispered. To be honest, I thought he was bluffing.

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