Chapter Thirteen

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I was busy cleaning a mirror on the tenth floor of the honeymoon suite when Callie announced her arrival.

"In the bathroom." I called out. She came in and dragged a finger down the mirror I was staring at her in while cleaning. "You missed a bit."

"Not funny?" I wiped viciously at her smudge mark. "Do you know how hard it is to keep the smears off these damn mirrors?"

"Why is it taking you so long?" She looked at her watch. "It's noon and everyone is away for lunch. Come on, I'm hungry."

I stashed my mirror spray and cloth into my bucket and followed her out, ditching my products in the laundry trolley by the room door.

When we arrived downstairs, I whipped off my apron and sprayed my favorite coconut body mist all over me.

"Bagel house or Starbucks?" Callie asked, shutting her locker over.

"Starbucks, obviously." I answered, releasing my hair from my denim jacket. "A large iced white chocolate mocha sounds good right about now."

"Mmm... Yummy." She looped her arm in mine, and we made our way out of the building into the hustle and bustle of Manhattan. Car horns blared and the mouth-watering smells of hot food vendors filled the air.

Oh, shit." I patted the pockets on my tunic dress and my jacket. "I've forgotten my money."

"I'll get it, and you can pay me back later." Callie offered.

"Don't be silly." I backed up. "I'll be right behind you. You order our usual."

"Better hurry or I'll eat your cookie." She teased.

I wiggled my finger at her and smiled. "Don't you dare." Why she always asked for a bite instead of replacing her regular muffin for a cookie bewildered me.

I picked up the pace and dashed to the changing room. I rummaged through my locker, grabbing my purse. The sound of the door opening had me roll my eyes.

"Couldn't trust yourself with my cookie?" I giggled and closed my locker to see it wasn't Callie, but a man. There was a restless energy about him. Tall, stocky and with rusty reddish hair, blue eyes as cold as the depths of the sea.

"Oh, the men's changing room is two doors down. I was just heading out, if you want me to show you?" I gave him the benefit of doubt that he was a new start and just got lost.

I watched him slowly reach his hand up and lock the door. He wasn't maintenance. They wore overalls, and he was wearing dirty jeans and a black t-shirt that was creased.

"That won't be necessary." His voice was cold and exact.

I backed up. His restlessness set alarm bells ringing. "You shouldn't be in here." I glanced around for an exit. "I'll call security." My eyes flicked to the emergency cord that was close to the light switch right next to him.

Damn it!

He cast a side glance at what I was looking at and smirked wickedly. "Good luck with that." When he stepped closer, I lunged for the exit door to my right. I knew if I could get out to the back of the building, I could run for the street and scream for help. I pushed the bar. Only a chain clanked, trapping me with the guy. I yanked it and pulled, to no avail. Where the hell did that come from?

I banged my fist against it. "Somebody help me!" I whimpered at the possibility of being locked in with a crazy dude.

"He ripped my heart out. Only fair that I repay him." He spoke with bitterness.

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