Part 23: Tree decorating

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Naruto POV:

I am woken up by Menma.

Sasuke is still sleeping beside me on our bed and Menma seems to be the most awake a human could ever be.

''Mama! Mama! Let's do it today!'' Menma whispers in a exciting manner.

I look at the time, seeing it is 11:45 in the morning, I yawn and knock gently on Sasuke's shoulder.

''No Naru, take it easy, please...'' Sasuke mumbles in his sleep.

I furrow my eyebrows.

''Dad, wake up!'' Menma walks over to Sasuke's side and shakes him gently.

Then Sasuke's onyx eyes are visible and I wake him up by shaking him gently.

''Sasu, our child is calling us up for duty.'' I say tiredly.

Sasuke groans before opening his eyes and kisses me on the lips as he sits up.

''What's up, Menma?'' Sasuke asks.

Menma brightens up.

''I want to decorate the tree today with some fancy christmas music!'' Menma says.

Sasuke smiles a tired smile and me too.

''Really? You have to wake us up for that?'' I ask jokingly.

Menma chuckles.

''But seriouslyyyy!!'' He whines.

Sasuke and I laugh tiredly.

''Let us just wake up a 100% before making you breakfast then...'' I say tiredly and rest my head on Sasuke's legs who was still under the blanket.

Menma laughs a little. ''Don't fall asleep all over again!'' Menma says in a strict parent's voice before walking out of the room.

I look up at my husband and chuckle.

''Our son is becoming more like you, Sasu, what to do?'' I say jokingly and laughs. Sasuke laughs too, gently.

''I like the idea of him becoming both of us, Naru.'' He says and kisses me on the lips gently.

I immediately melt into the kiss and put my arms around his neck.

''I DON'T HEAR ANY FOOTSTEPS!!'' Menma yells from downstairs and his voice is followed by a laughter.

I glare out to the hall but Sasuke chuckles.

''Come on, let's just listen to our son.'' Sauke says and gets out of bed carefully.

I groan.

''Aren't we the parents?'' I ask, pointing to myself and him.

He laughs.

''No we aren't.'' Sasuke says sarcasically but jokingly at the same time.

I roll my eyes with a chuckle and get out of bed as well to change.

I change into more casual clothes and we both walk downstairs to the kitchen to start making breakfast.

Me and Sasuke and Menma helped each other make some pancakes for breakfast.

I sat down at my chair beside Sasuke by the table and take some breakfast.

''Where are the babies?'' Sasuke asked and drank water.

Menma pointed to the play-circle where all 4 babies were.

I smile.

''Good job, Menma.'' I say.

Menma grins.

I eat the breakfast and groans.

''What is it now, dobe?'' Sasuke asks.

''I miss ramen...'' I whine.

Sasuke chuckles and Menma laughs.

''How about going to Ichiraku's today?'' Menma suggests.

I beam.


Sasuke laughs.


I beam and hug Sasuke.


''Yay!'' Kawaki says. I chuckle.

We eat our breakfast and then me, Sasuke and Menma and the babies walk to Ichiraku ramen.

''Old man! Some miso ramen, please!'' I ordered and Menma chuckles.

''What?'' I ask, fake offended.

''No no, it's just that somehow, I am not surprised at all that you love miso ramen.'' Menma says.

Sasuke chuckles.

"Same reaction, Menma."

I pout.

"Here we have miso ramen with extra pork! Eat up, Naruto!" The ramen guy says and gives me my ramen.

I gasp in happiness and take some chopsticks.

"ITTADAKIMASU!!!" I say before I start eating.

"Mmmh, that hit the spot!" I say and eat more.

Menma orders a spicy flavoured and Sasuke just sits beside me.

"I hope the other kids like ramen when they grow up too!" I say and eat more.

"We need more tomato lovers." Sasuke says with a light chuckle.

I roll my eyes.

"Of course you two think that." I mumble.

Menma laughs as he eats his ramen, Boruto sitting in his lap.

When we were done with the ramen and I ate around 67 bowls, we went home and me and Sasuke put the babies to sleep because they seemed tired.

"Mama! Papa! Please ever can we decorate the tree now?" Menma pleads and gives us the pleading face.

I sigh with a chuckle and look to Sasuke who just says that Menma won't give up otherwise and goes and takes out the Christmas tree decorations.

We all start by adding some ornaments and I gasp as I god through the box and a wide smile spreads on my lips.

"what is it, mama?" Menma asks.

I show Sasuke and Menma.

"It's the wedding present I got from Sasuke!" I get all teary at the memory.

It's a orange ornament which is shaped as a heart and in the middle, it says 'I would wait for you for a hundred years and then a thousand more just to be by your side'.

Sasuke smirks.

" I am good with presents, aren't I?" he asks.

I stand up and kiss him and meet his gaze after breaking apart.

"the best." I kiss his cheek too before going and hanging it up, and Menma handing me the angel to put on the top.

Sasuke puts up all the other stuff and santa clauses under the tree and me and Sasuke put on the lights and turn it on.

We look at the Christmas tree by the fireplace and I smile.

"I love this." I say.

Menma smirks.

"Of course you do, mama, we all are here." He says.

Sasuke nods and smiles.

"I love all of the people in this house."

I am incredibly sorry for not being active!! 😭😭😭I have just got a new phone and I needed to log in and get a  SIM or whatever. I'm sorry! But I hope you liked this part😁thank you for reading. ❤️

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