Part 15: Mission start

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Menma POV:

Sensei went up to the door and knocked and Sakura  opened.

''Hello, I am Konohamaru Sarutobi, sensei of team 7 and I am here to fetch Memory Haruno-Hyuga for a mission.'' Sensei says.

Sakura looks from sensei to me and then she smiles and went inside again.

Then Memory came out.

''Hello, sensei and Menma!'' She says and smiles.

''Hello, do you have your things?'' Sensei asked.

Memory nodded and ran inside again, only to come back with a full backpack and gloves.

''Alright then, let's go.'' Konohamaru-sensei says and gestures to us that we are going to follow.

''Now it's only Mitsuki we need to-''

''Hello.'' Mitsuki's voice say.

I turned around to see the dark alley and the familiar yellow eyes and I smile.

''Mitsuki, come one! Do you have your stuff?'' I ask.

Mitsuki walks out of the darkness and nods.

''Okay well now that everyone is together, we can start going.'' Sensei says.

Mitsuki walks over to me and smiles at me.

''Hello, Menmy.'' He says.

I blush.

''H-Hello..'' I say.

''Guys, this is a mission, not a date.'' Memory said jokingly.

I laughed and Mitsuki as well.

''Come on, guys, we need to get out of Konoha.'' sensei said and gestured to us to run.

We started running after our sensei.

''Sensei, can't you tell us a little more about the mission?'' Memory asked.

''I'll tell you when we are outside of Konoha.'' Sensei said.

Then when we had walked away from Konoha, we waited for sensei to tell us.

''Listen, you know what Akatsuki is, right?'' Sensei asks.

I did! Mama and dad has told me all about it.

''I do I do!!'' I say and raise my hand in the air.

Mitsuki does the same and Memory as well.

''Then you must know that the Akatsuki is a group of individuals who work outside their village policies. They're seen wearing black coats with red clouds and their headbands slashed, which shows that they have been disowned by their villages. They have different hideouts which are inaccessible to anyone outside the team.'' Sensei explains.

I nod, showing I already knew that.

''Why are they going to our village?'' Memory asked.

''Well, their main goal is to capture all the tailed beasts for their plan of world dominance, and Menma's mama, Naruto, has the nine tailed fox inside of him.'' Sensei finishes.

My eyes widened.

''T-They are after mama?'' I manage to get out.

''The akatsuki has been after Naruto since, well, I would say since they heard about him. But Naruto was too hard to capture.'' Sensei says.

I smile, relieved.

''The Akatsuki was thought to have been killed because there were nothing about Akatsuki for years. But now, we got a report that an Akatsuki member, who is said to be the last remaining one, is still determined to kill Naruto and bring out the nine tailed fox.''

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