Part 18: Friendship-bracelets and promises

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TW: mention of alchohol use and drunk violent behaviour ahead in this part!

Menma POV:

Me, Mitsuki and Memory were hanging out in the park.

We were talking, laughing and just having a good time until Memory spoke.

''I am leaving on Christmas.'' She says.

Mine and Mitsuki's eyes widened.

''Why's that?'' Mitsuki asks.

She sighs.

''Well, my parents are remarrying and they have to move away from Konoha to do so.'' She says.

I look down, already knowing this was coming.

''Oh, well we'll miss you, Memory.'' Mitsuki says with a sympathetic smile.

''You're still coming to my family's christmas celebration, right?'' I ask and look up at her.

She nods and smiles.

''That's the last time you'll see me, I guess so, let's make the good times memorable.'' She says.

Mitsuki smiles and nods, I do as well.

''Now, I didn't want to make everything depressing and sad soooo I bought these!'' Memory says and searches in her bag and gets out two bracelets.

''I...uh...just wanted you to know that you both have been the greatest teammates and friends I could ever ask for. I'm sorry for hurting you, Mitsuki the first day I layed eyes on you, and Menma, I'm sorry for making you hurt, I know you don't show it but I can see that you are still hurting on the inside.'' She says and hands us the bracelets.

''I'm sorry for being a shitty friend that is selfish and doesn't know what to do. I am so new to this. I have never had this strong bonds with people before so it's hard to know how to act.'' She finishes.

I smile and Mitsuki as well.

''You don't have to apologize, Memory, I understand that you punched me because you were jealous of my attraction for Menma.'' Mitsuki says and I chuckle at the memory. 

Memory and Mitsuki chuckles as well.

''And you don't have to apologize to me either, I understand how you feel.'' I say.

She smiles and then points to the bracelets.

''I had to search every store in Konoha for 3 matching bracelets. Each of these bracelets represents one friend, Menma as brave, kind and a great leader.'' She says and poins to me.

Then she points to Mitsuki.

''Mitsuki as loving, caring and full of mystery.'' She says and adds a little voice on the 'mystery' part.

Then she points to herself.

''Now it's your turn to come up with 3 things about me, if you want.'' She says smiling.

I look to Mitsuki, then and Memory again.

''You are loyal...'' I say.

She nods and looks to Mitsuki.

He seems to think for the right words until he looks up and smiles.

''You're strong.'' He says.

We all chuckle a little.

''Choose something for yourself.'' I say.

She thinks for a moment and then brightens up as she smiles.

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