Chapter 1 - Eclipse

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 Violent waves of emotion tossed Sans around in the sea of nightmarish realities that converged within his mind. He knew that none of it was real, yet he could still feel the pain as fresh as ever. Hot tears had rushed from his eye sockets for what seemed like years, though he knew that wasn't real either. None of this was real. He was dreaming. But he couldn't wake up. He simply continued to be battered around by the different timelines and interactions that continued to haunt him. His sockets were squeezed shut and his non-existent throat was sore from the agonizing cries that had been ripped from it. He knew that pain wasn't real either. So why could he still feel it? Why was it so... tangible?

Suddenly, all of the noise stopped. Everything was still. Everything was silent. Too silent. There was still no sound as he collapsed to his hands and knees on the "ground". It was so quiet that his head shot up instantly at the gentle sound of footsteps. His surroundings were dark. Well– dark was an understatement. They were pitch black, to be more specific. His hazy vision eventually adjusted to his surroundings enough that he could make out the form of a tall skeleton walking towards him. The soft clack of his boot heels against the tar colored ground resonated throughout the echoey space. "Hello," he finally spoke. His voice was gentle and soothing. It was honey on the ears and a bit less deep than your typical Sans. A glowing double-halo rested in a crossed x-shape above his skull, a bright gold crescent moon positioned at the frontward intersection. He was dressed rather sharply for a Sans, as well. He wore a pale lavender dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up into a cuff at his elbows underneath a deep royal-purple tailcoat vest. Nicely fitted black dress pants were tucked into his purple platform boots, which had lovely gold detailing as well as another crescent moon on the front. The same crescent adorned his neck, a line of golden beads spilling from the sides and draping across his shoulders. Beside the neck piece Sans could make out two small black wings that bounced as he walked. They didn't appear attached to the skeleton but instead floated behind him.

"How are you fairing?" The mysterious skeleton spoke again as he neared Sans, coming to a halt a bit in front of the crumpled form before crouching down and resting his arms on his knees. Sans looked him up and down, wary and still feeling drained from the previous torrent of torture mere minutes before. The stranger's face was now clearly visible to him. His right eye socket was a crescent shape as well, though Sans could not tell if it was naturally like that or if it had been caved in at some point. "Who...are you...?" His voice was hoarse and still very sore. Speaking caused him to wince in pain at the scratchy feeling it caused. He attempted to clear his throat, wishing away the sandpaper-y texture of his words. It remained.

The tall skeleton let out a soft chuckle, a gentle smile resting on his face. "Forgive me for my straightforwardness. It is hard to tell who I have and have not visited before when some of you appear so... similar." Sans continued staring up at the friendly face before him, waiting for him to continue. "My name is Eclipse," the smooth voice finally revealed. "I come to those who are having... particularly rough dreams and attempt to help." Help? Help how?!

Eclipse's soft smile widened a bit as he hummed thoughtfully. As if reading Sans' mind, he clarified, "I hope to make it so that the nightmares become less severe. I try to work through them with the dreamer." He held out a bony hand towards Sans, inviting him to take it. Sans hesitantly reached out and let the taller skeleton help him up into a more comfortable sitting position. Eclipse lowered himself fully onto the ground, crossing his legs much like the halo that sat atop his head. "Now," he began. "Tell me, what troubles you?"

Sans blinked up at the taller skeleton, unsure of where to start. "How much do you already know?" The question was croaked out through a still painfully dry throat, his tongue sticking to the inside of his mouth as he spoke. "I know as much as you. I may know more. But does that matter? I am an outside party, you may speak to me as such." Eclipse remained gentle in his composure as he spoke, radiating a soft and comforting energy that slowly seeped its way into Sans' bones. A silence draped snugly between them for a moment as Sans pondered this. "Well," he finally began again, his throat slowly becoming less of a pain to utilize. "You... You know the timelines, then?"

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