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Welcome to book two of my Woman and Machine series!!!
Hope you guys enjoy this one as much as you enjoyed the first!
Happy reading 🩵


"We've got injured bots here Ratchet!" A gruff voice shouted as he helped a navy blue and scarlet red mech to the med bay. Many wounds were inflicted on him, the Autobot was losing Energon fast. The bright blue liquid covered the darker mech. It wasn't his though...

    The other Autobots were injured but could wait to be taken care of.

    "Just let me get Optimus stabilized before we do anything else," The orange-red and white mech shouted at the black and silver mech in front of him. Carefully they got the Prime laid down on the berth. His venting was heavy and strained.

    "They're gaining on us! We need to find somewhere to land soon, or else this ship is going to blow," An olive green mech ran into the room, his thundering footsteps heard over a few alarms going off. He was followed by a purple and black mech.

    "Where is the nearest planet, Soundwave?" The black and silver Autobot asked sternly. The ship shook harshly for a moment. Ratchet paused his work for a moment before returning to his old friend. He quickly hooked up an Energon IV before beginning repairs.

    Soundwave remained quiet for a few moments as he searched. He then looked around at the Autobots in the room, "Statement: Earth" The Communications Officer replied. His visor lit up to give his proof.

    The mech on the medical berth tried to move but Ratchet held him down, "Don't move an inch Optimus." The medic looked at his fellow Autobots.

Mainly Bulkhead, Arcee, Bumblebee and Smokescreen.

"It's either we get killed or we get hunted," Smokescreen chuckled nervously, "It's fragged either way!"

The three other Autobots rolled thier optics but nodded to Ratchet as confirmation. The medic turned to the Comunications Officer, "Soundwave...take us home."



Hope you enjoyed it. I'll be working on the next chapter tomorrow!

Shit's about to go down XD


Love ya🩵

Woman and Machine II (TFP & Pacific Rim)Where stories live. Discover now