changing lives.

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(short story begining bit thing)

I found myself running. Panting myself out of breath. Climing up thousands of stairs. Running away from this one tall figure. I panicked and bashed on the door closest to me. It was number 12. I stood staring at the door for a while, wondering how come this door looks so familiar. I heard a voice crying. "Georgia!" it shouted. Suddenly, in the corner of my eye I heard the door creek. Trusting my instincts I run inside, slamming the door shut behind me. I look round curiously pondering to how I knew one of the orniments infront of me on the shelf. I stopped. Thought for a while, then continued thinking. I heard a gasp come from behind me. With the heat touching my long painful back, I turned around to see a girl. Not just any girl though. She was my best friend from when I was in primary school. I cried as a tear rolled down my face. She hugged me saying "whats up girl, why are you crying?" I didnt reply instantly as I didnt know how to say this next sentance.

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