Chap. 9 Shell Season

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Nightmares POV:

" you have returned small one?" I said as the small squid swam up to me looking quite angry..."What happened you don't seem to be in the best of the moods I must say?" I asked he just glared at me for a moment than swam towards my hand wanting to be pet...I

sighed as I gently started to stroke it..."Shall you show me the Intile about my subordinate's new friend they have found?" I asked as he swam up to the cauldron and jumped in.....and then a hologram appeared...of a mermaid girl who was eyes widen at what I saw..."Reaper!?"

I shouted as my little pet jumped out of the cauldron..."Wha- how in the seven seas?......" I said as I slumped back into my throne and sighed deeply..."And just when I was just beginning to like her....she gets taken away by one of my greatest enemies..." I sighed again as I closed my eyes...I heard a small chirp and I opened my eyes to see my pet come to me with a bowl of muscles....

"No no....I'am not hungry right now Squid..." I looked at him and he gave me a small disappointed look as he shrugged and swam off.."Now don't be eating in my bed....or I'am going to be furious!" I yelled back to him as I heard a small chirp come from him..."that squid better not be-" I was cut out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at my door...."Hmmm...who could it be at this hour?"

I used one of my tentacles to open the door, to be greeted by Killer and Dust..."Hello boss....are you doing well this fine night?" Killer said to me as I frowned at him...I could tell by his tone he wanted to ask me something..."I will not give you what you desire...." I said bluntly as Killer frowned..."Boss...we need to borrow something very important....but we promise to give it back..." Dust said as I sighed again...

all I wanted to do was fall asleep to watching the small mermaid girl swim around...."ugh....can we discuss this matter on a different time please?" I said as Dust sighed..."Yes....yes we come on Killer lets go-" Dust was cut off by Killer..." I will not..." My eyes widen a bit as he spoke to me in such a cold manner..."We came all this way here....just for us to leave...I would like to disagree on that Dust....but you may if you so wish..." Killer said to Dust as Dust seemed confused on his actions....

"Come on mannnnn...can we do this later its getting very late and..." Killer punched a wall making me and Dust flinch..."No means NO Dust....what don't you get....Now you know damn well why I'm acting like this...." He said as I was confused on what was happening..."Boss listen to me...I have an important question to ask you...." Killer said as he swam up to me and I just crossed my arms as I watched Dust leave with a small frown on his face...

"Oh and what may that be that made you so upset as to punch my walls.." I said my tendrils swirling around me a bit as he looked at me coldly..."Do you mermaids or mersharks?" he asked making my eyes widen at what he said...."what?....that was your important question?" I said in disbelief as to why he was reacting in such a way..he was about to say something but I swatted my hand in the air as I sighed..."Look I already know why your asking....and yes I know about your little mermaid friend...Squid here has been keeping an eye on her lately...." I said as I saw Squid swim out from my room with an empty bowl...

Killer gasped up at me as I looked down at him reaching for a book behind me..."S-so does that mean you will help get her back?" Killer said as I could here the hopefulness in his voice...I didn't really know much about her nor did I really care about her much...but as a boss....or king I should was my job to make sure my subordinates are at least happy I suppose...and even if the others didn't really like made Killer happy...

and if one of them are not happy I feel that I 'am not doing my job correctly...I don't want to be like Reaper now do I?...I looked at Killer who just quietly waited for a response as I sighed..."I.....suppose I could help.." I said as I eyed him his face had a huge smile on it as I could tell he was going to say something..."But!....I need you to find all the ingredients on this list....and this may have you involve into going into town..." I said as I handed him the paper...

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