Chap. 5 - Another Shark Encounter

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Authors POV:

After everyone left you looked outside as you examined the place you were in....Error blocked your view with his tail and you looked back at him a bit confused at his actions...."Don't even think of leaving little fish....because if you so try we will find you..."

he hissed as Killer just took both of your hands and started twirling you around while laughing..."hahahahaha! weeeeeeeeeeee!" He stop spinning you as you just felt a bit dizzy, instead he placed a his arm around you.."Don't worry about old sour gills over there...he just likes ya to much..." He whispered the last part as you looked and saw Error's face turning a bright blue as he glared at Killer....

"I heard that! and I'm going to choose to ignore such a blunt remark..." He said as he started swimming up ahead...."So...where do you guys hunt...." You felt a bit scared from saying the word hunt as you never thought of yourself doing such a thing....Horror just yawned as Killer took his arm off ya and pointed at a huge abandon pirate ship..."Ta-da~ this is where we hunt!....we mostly look for schools of fish that hang around places like that....anddddd if were lucky we find treasure to give to our boss...."

Killer said proudly as you nodded your head...."Umm....who is your boss?...are they a shark like you?" Cross swam up beside you as he spoke..."Our boss is known as the you might know..." You suddenly felt a wave of fear wash over you as your remembered all the tales of the giant kraken destroying pirate ships and eating land dwellers and mermaids....Killer just sighed as he held your hand..."Cross why did you say that!? now she's scared...hey no need to worry...he barely comes out of his cave anyways...and plus he's not as big as you think he is hehe...."

He said as you nodded your head..."Where here barnacle brains..." Error said as everyone looked up at the scary abandoned ship...."Don't worry y/n you don't have to do the can just look for treasure. Oh and Horror look out for y/n...we don't want another shark gang hurting her?..." You looked around worried after he said shark gang..."S-shark gang?"

Cross just sighed in annoyance..."Yes there are other sharks in the ocean ya know?...and don't worry to much...once they see us they'll know we work for the big boss so I'm sure they'll leave us alone..." After that you saw everyone swim to different parts a Horror followed you..."do you do this often?"

You asked as he looked surprised, not expecting you to want to talk.."Uhhh yeah I guess...I mean we kinda have to since I sorta eat about half the food we usual have heh" He said as he scratched his skull in embarrassment...

Horror POV:

I followed the mermaid around the ship as she was collecting bits of coral...she seemed really nice but it was weird that she didn't try and swim away....maybe she was just waiting for the opportunity to..."Can you see out of that eye that has no light in it?" She said as she pointed at my dead eye..."hehe no can't see a thing...." She nodded her head as she held one of my big claws...."hmmm....I liike your hands...I think there really cool and pretty..." She said as she let go...

I could feel my face heat up and as wasn't expecting any complements from her...we kept swimming around until we found giant clam...."Woah...look at the size of that thing..." I said as I saw her swimming around it...the clam looked very old and had some corals and algae growing off of it..."I think there might be a shiny pearl inside?..." She said as she tried to move it...

"hehe well a small fish like you wouldn't be able to move this..." I said as I grabbed it and tried to open it but it was seald shut..."Well Carp! this thing is to hard to open..." I saw her move a bit far from me so I decided to follow her again..."umm buddy your moving a little far away from me..." I said as she looked up at me..

."Oh umm's just I remember my friend told me on a way on how to open a clam....ah! here it is.." She said as she grabbed a strange coral and placed it in the sand..."is there a big rock nearby?" I nodded my head as I handed her one..."thank you..."

She said quietly as she smashed the strange coral...and to my surprise the piece she smashed had some strange purple goo leak out of it so I pulled her away..."Horror I um need that to open the clam..." She said in a small whine as I placed her down..."Oh sorry...I just never scene a coral do that before..." I said as I placed her down and she giggled a bit as she used the rock to put the strange goo on....the goo smelled like seaweed and crabs....which is my favorite type of meal to eat..."Umm....where is the clam again?" I pointed to where it was...the clam was a bit far away but we decided to swim up to it...until we heard someone behind us....

"well well well....lookie what we have here..." I saw it was a small shark with scars as it had two other lemon mersharks next to him..."Woah! Boss look it's a mermaid!" One of his goons said as he pointed at y/n and she just swam behind me..."I know that dumbass!!!" Their boss shouted at him as the goon that said that shrunk back in fear...

" if I must ask what are YOU doing out here with a mermaid hole head?" The name he gave me made me growl at him...."Boss I think they work for the Kraken king...." After he said that he just scoffed...but I could sense his fear..."this is non of your why don't you go back to your-" I was cut off with y/n tugging a bit on my fin as she cupped her hands wanting to whisper something to I sighed and leaned in...

"Y-you shouldn't snap back at them like that....they could get angry....and this could cause even m-more problems...and umm...I'm sure you wouldn't want to stoop to their levels...r-right?" She said making glare at them..."Your right...." The three of them looked up at me..."My friend here told me not to stoop to your pathetic levels...." I heard their leader start laughing as he looked at me with a smirk...

"Really?...your FRIEND huh?....tsk....that's pathetic, I mean you don't even have friends." What he said made me even more upset..."Look hole head...I just want to have the stupid clam and that's it.?.." he said in a condescending tone which made me want to bite his head off..."How about Fin off dumbass! and leave us alone... Oh! and give me one good reason why I shouldn't eat cha right now hmm?" I snapped back as he moved his hand proudly in my face...."Wellllllll I'll have ya know you would be breaking sharks law of code..."

I looked back at him in disbelief... how can these guys even follow the shark law of code?..."And what's that huh?" He cleared his throat as his two goons where snickering..."Well you did trespass on another sharks territory...and your threatening to kill us on our territory, not to mention whatever is ON our ours...."I saw him look at y/n as she was shaking in fear behind me...I looked away as I was in deep thought...

Argh! Killer said there was no shark in this territory...what the shell man!..I looked back at him..."you can have the dumb clam...but you cant have her..." He just chuckled at me again.."Please....don't be stinge...I mean this is an opportunity of a is it...." I got close to him making him flinch...."Look I said I was sorry now why don't you leave us ALONE...and I'll call off the others to leave your base..." I could tell he didn't like that as he moved away from me...

"Well we're not the only three here ya know.... there are many more of us....and if word gets out that you all broke the shark code.." he did a fake exaggerated gasp..."Oh no... then that means you would have to be banished to siren land...." He said sarcastically which made me even more annoyed..."And I do believe you owe us an goods..." I was getting sick of his voie so I readied my claws to cut him up..."Ya know what fuck you guys! I tried to be nice and this is what you'll get bitch!!!" I yelled as I saw his goons move away in fear, as he didn't..."Tsk tsk....I'm afraid that won't do..."

The last thing I heard was him snapping his fingers as all I heard was many rocks and clams being thrown at me from the ship and I didn't even see the hiding places on where other mersharks were, sand was flying up in the air as I couldn't see due to the sand making a giant dust I just kept slashing ever where...."wait!-" before I could say anything a rock hit the back of my head as everything went dark...

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