Chap. 2 - help

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Author POV:

and before you could get up a giant plank from the old ship fell on your back making you pass out....not far in the distance there was chattering coming from three shark was bigger than the rest and had a hole in his head as well as one giant red eye, another had a hoodie on and a red scarf, and the last one had black goop dripping from his eyes as he had a red tail..."Killer where are you taking us?" Dust asked as he was annoyed he had to swim very far..."is there food nearby?"

horror asked as he was readying his huge claws.."no, no there is no food...but I just knew I heard someone screaming here!.." Killer said as he swam up ahead quickly and they followed from behind..."You think it was a mermaid?" Horror asked as they were slowly looking around the abandon ship..."tsk please...who would be that stupid to bring a-" Dust was cut off by Killer interrupting him..."Mermaid!..there's a mermaid! holy ship!"

the both of them swam to see a mermaid with long hair with some sea urchins in it and a giant plank as the mermaid face was lying to the side..."I think it's dead Kills?" Dust pushed Horror a bit to get a better look..."woah!.." they all circled the mermaid..."Well it seems like whatever this mermaid was doing it seems that their intentions weren't to be here alright..." Dust said as he was examining the cuts and bruises....

Horror gasped as he gently grazed his claws around the ripped tail.."she had such a pretty tail...a shame that's its been ripped...." Killer tried to pick up the planl..."Come on help me you guys! I wanna see if this thing is still alive or not!" The all started to move the plank as Killer quickly checked for a pulse..."okay....okay.... and she's alive guy's! now come on and help me bring her in...

"Okay..." dust said as he helped hold onto her stomach..."Food!" Horror said as he was holding her tail..."Let's do this slowly so we don't hurt her..." they all nodded their heads as they moved her far away from the ship...

Meanwhile with Ameta

"What is the meaning of this?...where in the seven seas is your friend has been about 20 minutes and she still isn't back?" Mrs. Waterback said in an annoyed tone and Ameta just rolled her eyes..."Look I'll get her back miss I'm sure she's just having some stomach issues or something, she said she was going to use the bathroom..." Ameta said as the teacher allowed her to leave to go find her...after she got off the bus she quickly swam up to the museum..."y/n! are you okay?"

she said as she was in the bathroom looking to see if her friend was there...."y/n?...I'm sorry if I embarrassed you that won't happen again okay!.." Ameta said as worry started to build up inside her..."well it seems your not in the bathroom..." she muttered..."Oh I know maybe your outside!" she quickly regained hope as she went over to the edge...and froze...she saw a small trail of blood floating down to the edge of the cliff..." no NO!..." she quickly swam to look down and saw more blood and gasped as tears started to fill her eyes...

"I-I have to tell the others!" She quickly swam back to the bus...."Well did you find?-" Mrs. Waterback was taken aback by seeing Ameta in such distress..."What happened child?...are you alright?" Ameta just started crying as everyone peaked over their seats to see the scene..."I-I-I saw a bit of blood leading down f-from the *sniff* c-c-c-cliff!!!" after she said that she kept sobbing covering her eyes with her hands...."I- I didn't find her! but *sniff* I think that was h-her!!" She choked out as she started sobbing even louder... Mrs. Waterback hugged her as she started to comfort her..."

Bus driver use your shellphone to call the Prawnlice!" (if you don't understand Prawnlice is basically their police lol) The bus driver just nodded her head as she started to call the everyone started whispering and panicing a bit..."Sweetheart don't worry we will find y/n okay..." mrs. Waterback said as she made an attempt to comfort her and Amet just nodded her head in response as her crying was now small hiccups...she sat down feeling deeply sadden by the whole situation..

"Now now kids just sit down and be patient...everything will be just fine..." Mrs. Waterback said as she felt scared about the situation..."Miss...the officers are here...and they told me that we should leave the scene..." Mrs. Water back just nodded her head...'W-wait! we can't just do that my friend is still out there!" Ameta said as she was feeling scared about leaving her friend behind..."Ameta please...I know your worried but the Prawnlice will solve all of this...I promise..." Mrs. Waterback said as she placed a hand o her shoulder and Ameta just looked away....

"I-I hope so teacher.....I hope so..." After that Ameta looked outside the window as there were many Prawnlice officers looking around and putting tape on the scene...she sighed wondering how this all could have happened....and after that they drove away.....

Back with Y/n and the others

"Horro! be careful you'll damage the tail more!" Horror just growled at him..."I'm trying...why don't you just watch how much pressure you're putting on her bruised eye dumbass!" and Dust just rolled his eye lights...They were in a small kelp forest like area where y/n was resting on the soft kelp...her head was being supported by a the three of them were bandaging her wounds....

Killer couldn't help but keep looking at the peacefully sleeping mermaid he was wondering why she had such beautiful hair and face as he was gently putting some healing stuff on her face...but he was taken aback when he saw her soft relaxed face turn into something of pain and discomfort..."Hey Guy's can you be a bit careful she seems to be in a lot of pain..." Dust just rolled his eye lights....

"Well not ship! I would to genius...and it's not me being ruff with the wounds it's Horror..." Horror just glared at him..."It's not me! it's clearly you...I mean you are literally tending to someone with broken ribs.." Dust just growled at him..."WHY don't you trap it Horror...and just be a bit more gentle..." Dust snapped back as Horror had an angry expression on his face.."I'am BEING careful!" Dust was taken aback by he's screaming..."Guy's'll wake her up and she'll be terrified..."

Horror got up after he was done wrapping the tail with kelp..."No it's not okay and I'm sick and tired of Dust always blaming me for no reason! so screw you guy's I'm out!!!" After he said that Horror just quickly swam away..."Wait Horror!" Dust yelled but it was to late he was already gone before Dust could say anything else Killer placed a hand on his shoulder..."hey don't worry I'll talk to him...okay?" Dust just nodded..

"Can you stay here and watch the mermaid?" Dust rolled his eye lights..."Well yes somebody has to watch Boss's meal don't they?" Dust said sarcastically as Killer just chuckled in response and swam away there was silence until an otter approached as Dust tried to shoo it away but to no avail it stayed...and went close to y/n as he started to take off her necklace..."Hey ya rat! get out of here! shoo leave!" The otter just looked at him bluntly and took the shell necklace and left..."Wha!- hey!!!"

Dust was very pissed and decided to leave and chase after the otter leaving y/n behind...after a few minutes after Dust left y/n started to open up her eyes she gasped a bit as she got up quickly...but was met with eminence pain coming from her ribs and most of her body..."Ouch!" she quickly layed down still looking around...she looked down and saw parts of her body had kelp bandaging....."w-where am I?"

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