Chapter 5 " It's unreal "

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My bushy eyebrows rose, with the look of confusion.  My mother handed me the phone when I spoke "uhm...hello?" with no confidence.

"Hello.  Is this Johanna Flink?" A man spoke in a stern voice.

"Yes sir, yes it's Johanna."

"Well we need your special help with something."

"Huh?" I said probabaly sounding like an idiot.

"We need your help with an invesigation"

"Another one?  I just got over one like two minutes ago, and by the way, whom am I speaking to?" I spoke in a very smart way.

"You're talking to officer Edward, and I really need your help with this one, you're a very smart young lady you know?"

"Oh why thank you, but I will have to ask my mother about this officer Edward."  I put down the phone and told my mother about what happened with the officer and the little girl and the whole fing and fang of it.

My mother said it would be fine but I have to promise I will be careful and all of that mom talk stuff.

My mother and I were talking when I forgot that officer Edward was still on the line.

I quickly picked up the phone and spoke "My mother says it's alright."

"Great!  Phone me tomorrow and we will discuss all of the details and expectations, bye." The officer hung up.

I plopped on my bed and thought about what just happened.

Why would they want me, I thought to myself. 

I mean I only helped with on thing, and it wasn't even on purpose.  This all was unreal to me.  It has only been one day why do they want me so badly?

I kept running those thoughts over and over in my head.

"My thirteenth birthday has been quiete a.... a interesting bithday."  I said to myself.

I slowly closed my eyes shut and everything went black.

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