Chapter 25

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Also, this chapter will contain some mature scenes, so please, if you're below 18, please skip this chapter for now, sorry.

Third Person POV

Mark had not been talking idly when he said that he was hungry for Gun.

As soon as he laid Gun on the bed, he tore off his shirt from his body like it was an offending piece of garment.

Then he climbed into the bed and without saying a word, he placed both hands gently on either side of Gun's face and then lowered his mouth to Gun's.

It started gently, leisurely, like they had all the time in the world. Then suddenly it turned hot and passionate.

Mark slid his tongue into Gun's half open mouth and started to explore inside.

Gun moaned softly when he felt Mark's roving hand slide inside his shirt and caressing his nipple gently, tenderly, exploratorily.

Then Gun felt Mark getting more impatient.

Mark raised Gun's shirt upward and over his head, tossing it to the floor before placing his mouth over Gun's once more.

At first Gun was hesitant about returning Gun's kisses, but as Mark's hand skimmed over his bare chest once more, Gun decided there was no reason to hold back now.

He kissed Mark back, playing along with Mark's busy tongue.

Gun moaned once more when he felt the circular motion of Mark's hot palm over one of his nipples.

Then Gun felt Mark's mouth leave his and felt him trailing kisses down the side of his neck then towards the center where there was a shallow groove.

Mark's mouth lingered, sticking his hot moist tongue and digging into the groove.

Gun moaned once more at the pleasurable sensation.

Gun's moans got even louder when Mark's mouth settled on one of his nipples, sucking on it, sucking gently at first and then hungrily like it was giving him some kind of sustenance.

Then even while Mark continued to suck on Gun's nipple, Gun felt Mark trying to undo the front of his pants.

And that was when something suddenly hit Gun's brains.

Was he allowing a freshman guy from his university, someone so much younger than him, to make love to him?

Oh, shit! Gun suddenly sat up in bed, pushing Mark away from him.

What???  What's the matter??? Mark could not understand what was going on.

Without replying to Mark's questions, Gun jumped out of bed and picked up his and Mark's discarded shirts from the floor.

He tossed Mark's shirt to him before putting his own shirt back on.

"Can you please talk to me, Gun?" Mark demanded. "What the hell is going on???"

"We can't ... I can't ... I can't let you ..." Gun stammered. "You're just a freshman and I'm a senior. You're way too young for this sort of thing."

"Gahdfuckingdammit Gun!" Mark exploded. "What kind of idiotic backward way of thinking is that?" Mark could not help raising his voice at Gun.

"I'm sorry, Mark," Gun was close to tears. "I shouldn't have gotten involved with you from the beginning in the first place. I can't let people at the university see me walking around with a freshman. It would be too humiliating. Other students are going to start talking."

"Fuck you, Gun, fuck that stupid idea of yours," Mark said as he quickly put his shirt back on and grabbed his stuff before heading out the door.

Gun tried to follow him.

"I can see myself out," Mark said, opening the front door and walking out of it before slamming it behind him.

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