Chapter 6

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Mark's POV

"You will never believe it!" I boasted excitedly to Perth as soon as I got home from my research at the library. "I would consider it as the greatest achievement of my life!"

"What, you researched enough material to let you finish your course with the highest honors?" he said on the phone. I could just imagine him with his eyebrows raised and a teasing smile on his face.

"Even better than that!" I couldn't keep the excitement from my voice.

"You better tell me or I will strangle you first thing tomorrow when I see you in class," he threatened.

"I managed to get his name and phone number!!!" my voice was raised so high in excitement now that I heard a knocking on my bedroom door.

"Is everything alright, son?" my mother asked when I went to open the door.

"Oh no, nothing's wrong," I assured her. "I just got all excited about a school project."

"Okay then," she said. "Be sure to come down in a few minutes. Dinner will be served by then."

"Yes, mom, thank you," I said.

"Whose name and phone number were you able to get?" Perth asked when I went back to him on the phone. "Don't tell me it was that good looking guy that you caught in your arms at the cafeteria."

"Bingo!" I exclaimed, my heart pounding fast with excitement.

"I don't believe you," Perth said, expressing his doubt. "How could you be able to do that without befriending him first."

"You have to believe in my skills and abilities," I boasted with a big grin on my face. "In fact I'm going to call him right after dinner."

"I still won't believe you unless I can hear him on the phone with you," Perth insisted.

"Very well," I said, "Come over after dinner and I will place him on speaker when I call him."

Perth's house was not too far away from mine so it was not a problem for him to come over to my house late at night.

It was around nine o'clock when he came buzzing at my front door.

"Let's do it here on the front porch," I said in a whisper. "My parents are already sleeping. I don't want to wake them up with our noise."

"Fine with me," Perth said as he sat down on the bench on one side of the porch with me.

"Wait," Perth placed a hand on my arm. "What if he's sleeping already. He might get upset that you woke him up. And what will be your excuse for calling him?"

"Leave it to me," I shrugged off his hand from my arm.

I went through my contacts and selected Gun's number. I tapped on his number and tapped on the speaker icon.

"Who's this?" Gun answered after a few rings. His voice sounded like he had been running or was in the gym doing some workout.

"This is Mark," I said a little nervously. "I was the freshman at the university library who exchanged numbers with you because of the book that you were holding that I needed to research on."

"Oh, yeah," he said, still breathing heavily. "But I'm not finished with it yet. I told you that I was going to text you when it was available."

I was about to say something in response when I suddenly heard him moaning softly. "Boat ..."

Oh shit, had I just interrupted a lovemaking session???

Perth must have heard the moaning as well because he suddenly pinched my arm, his face  cringing.

"I'm ... I'm very sorry for calling at a bad time," I said, feeling embarrassed.

At the same time I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I got upset with myself for feeling jealous over someone who was not even my boyfriend.

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