Chapter 20

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Mark's POV

I had heard Bas calling my name as I sprinted towards the escalator but I pretended that I did not hear him.

I continued on my way and when I reached the next floor I went straight to the food court.

I was feeling hungry now. I had been looking forward to having dinner with Gun but I guess it wasn't going to happen now.

I walked over to the Mediterranean booth and ordered some lule kabob with fluffy white rice and grilled whole tomatoes and large peppers. I was thinking of ordering a large size soda to go with my food but I decided on a medium sized one instead. I didn't want to acquire diabetes at an early age.

I took out my sadness on my food. I ate without stopping like there was no tomorrow. Then I turned to my drink and gulped it all down.

I glanced at my watch. It was not even seven o'clock yet. I didn't want to go home and spend the rest of the night in my empty room.

I decided to call Perth, crossing my fingers that he was free.

"Hey," he took my call on the first ring.

"Are you free?" I asked.

"No, I'm expensive, sorry," I heard him say.

I was in no mood for his lame jokes.

"I'm driving over to your house right now," I announced.

"What happened to your date with Gun?" he asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it," I replied, hurrying towards my car as I felt the cold night breeze seeping into my back.

The breeze was not that cold. I wondered why it felt colder than it should.

Then suddenly I remembered why. I wasn't wearing my undershirt. Shit, I had left it on Gun's bed. In my hurry to leave his unit, I had forgotten to put it on first before I had put on my shirt. I had felt the need to get out of there as fast as I could.

I was in a dilemma. Should I drive back to Gun's place to pick it up or should I just call him and ask him to bring the undershirt with him to uni tomorrow and then I would just go to his classroom to get it from him.

My brain was telling me to wait till tomorrow but my heart was telling me to go back to Gun's unit and give in to the need to see him again.


Oh shit I forgot that Perth was still on my phone.

"I just remembered that I need to take care of something," I said a bit absentmindedly. "I won't be coming to see you after all."

"No problem," I heard Perth say on my phone. "I'll see you tomorrow at uni then."

"Yup, see you tomorrow," I said and tapped on my screen to end the call.

Before I could even reach my car, it occurred to me that perhaps Gun had not eaten dinner yet. Maybe I should bring him some dinner.

I walked back inside the mall and up to the floor where the food court was.

The server at the Mediterranean booth seemed to remember that I had just been there earlier but did not say anything about it. Instead he just took the exact same order that I had given earlier.

It took a longer time for my order to be ready because there were more people now who were streaming into the food court.

When my electronic unit finally buzzed and lighted up I walked over to the booth and picked up my order.

I happily walked back to the parking lot and carefully set the food and drink on the passenger seat beside me before driving off to Gun's unit.

Maybe food would temporarily distract him from the sadness that his current or ex boyfriend, whatever the status was, had caused him by walking away from him.

I parked my car in the allotted spot for visitors in his building and made my way up to his unit.

Whistling softly, I pressed lightly on the buzzer at his front door.

The door opened.

"Hi," Boat said to me, his eyes on the bag that contained the food and drink that I was holding in my hand.

I was speechless at first but in a moment I recovered and found my voice.

"I came to pick up my undershirt," I explained to Boat, "I left it on Gun's bed earlier."

Boat's eyes widened before a grim look crept into his face.

Without inviting me to walk inside Gun's unit Boat called out, "Gun, Mark is here to pick up his undershirt that he left on your bed!"

"Oh shit!" I heard Gun's panicked voice clearly from inside.

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