Chapter 14

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Loki has been a lot more distant over the past few weeks. Actually, everyone has been distant for the past few weeks. It's starting to feel like before. I've been turned down for hanging out by everyone including Loki. I pause at the entrance to the library. Loki is sprawled out across the couch. I take an encouraging breath before moving to sit with him. 

"Hello, Lo," He sends me a small smile but doesn't look away from the book he's reading. Alright, let's try again," What are you reading?" 

He flashes me the cover without saying a word. I turn away from him with a disappointed sigh. Did I do something? I don't think I did anything. I fidget with the bracelet on my wrist. Maybe it's this. I pull the pronoun bracelet off my hand. I stand quickly as I feel tears prick my eyes and walk out, throwing away the bracelet. Everyone said it was okay and that they supported me but maybe they said that just to not cause problems in our team. I wipe away the stray tears that fall from my eyes. 

A hand grabs me from behind and I turn quickly. I push the figure away and I watch in horror as Loki slams into a wall. I rush to his side, clamping a hand over my mouth as I sob," Loki, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to."

Loki pushes himself up with a small grimace," I'm fine, love. Don't worry," He brushes off the dust from his clothes before pulling us both off the ground," What's wrong? You rushed out of the library and now you're crying."

I pull away from his arms, wrapping my own around me," You've been distant and so has everyone else. I don't know what I did."

Loki is quiet for a while and I look up at him. He has a small smile on his face," We were preparing something for you. We've all been distracted trying to figure out how to show you."

"Preparing something?" My arms fall to my side," What something?"

Loki just holds out his hand. I hesitate for a moment before taking it. My grip tightens when we're taken to a new place. I glance around, slowly taking everything in. We're in an open field with a few trees surrounding us. I glance at Loki confused. 

"Come this way," Loki pulls me gently and we follow a small trail until I can see a small house. I pause when we hit the gate to the yard. 

"Lo, what is this?" 

"Our home," He tells me gently," we're so cramped at Stark Tower that I thought that maybe you would want some privacy in our own home. I, uh, asked everyone to help me build and decorate this place."

I can feel tears in my eyes again but this time not because I'm sad but because I'm happy. So incredibly happy," This is wonderful Loki."

"Personally, I wanted to live in Asgard," He has a small smirk on his face," You would fit right in with all the beautiful things there but then I figured you didn't want to be so far from all of your friends and family."

I can't help but snort," That was a cheesy line," I cuddle into his side," But it was sweet and I'm glad you thought about that. No, give me a tour."


~A few years later~

"Dad can you bring out the pizza," I call to my father as I help Loki set the table," Kids, dinner."

Two tiny bodies run past me and I let out a small giggle as they climb into their spots at my table. Loki kisses the side of my head as he pulls out my seat. Dad comes in a second later placing the pizza we made on the table. A few knocks on the door catch our attention and I smile as the team lets themselves in. 

"Happy birthday, Y/n," Wanda pats my shoulder kissing my cheek. She smiles at my kids," Hello, little ones."

We all talk and joke around as the evening goes on. It's not long before I put the kids to bed and it's just the team sitting around the tv. Loki pulls me into his side and I snuggle in close to him with a content smile. I never thought I would make it to this point but I've never been more grateful to be here. I've come to have an amazing life.

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