Chapter 7

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"Why'd you do this to us!" A pregnant women with a rock through her chest yelled at me.

Multiple other people appeared with the same rocks through their chests appeared beside her. They were all yelling things at me. The little boy was just crying out for his mom. I apologized to them wanting to run away. They called me a coward and said I should have died instead of them. I cried as I realized one of those rocks was through my chest. I apologized to them one more time before I woke up.

My body was covered in sweat. I rubbed my face as I tossed off my covers. Stop tormenting me, I yelled into my mind. The thought of the training I was supposed to be doing with Loki popped into my head. I sighed to myself. I don't want to use my powers. I don't want to touch him. The memory of last night appeared in my head as I grabbed my clothes. His touch was so soft. Why does it fell so soft? I threw on my clothes and went down to the training room.

Loki was already sitting on the mat. Sam and Bucky were at the punching bags and Nat was at the shooting range, and Pietro was on the treadmills. Everyone else was doing their own thing. Dad was probably working on his suit like always, Peter is at school, and Bruce is probably in his lab. Clint does his best to stay with his family now and Stephen is only here in the afternoon.

I leaned over Loki as he smirked at me," Took you long enough, Love."

I rolled my eyes," Oh I'm sorry your majesty. I didn't realize we were on a schedule."

More amusement ran through his eyes as he stood up. I got into my normal fighting stance. Loki summoned his daggers and charged me. I sidestepped his attack and pushed him a little as he passed. He swooped back around trying to throw a punch but I ducked and kicked his legs out from under him. He hit the ground but pulled my leg making me fall. He held me down on my arm and I swung my body forward trapping his arm. I threw his body over which dislodged my arm and I ended up pinning him to the ground.

"I think you're a little rusty," I told him as I got off.

Loki scoffed," Just getting warmed up."

He threw a punch that I reflexively blocked. I left my left side unblocked and he almost got a hit in but I kicked him back before he could. He continued throwing pushes that pushed me closer to the wall. I remember watching Nat kick off the wall to wrap her legs around another head and in a split second I was kicking off the wall and had wrapped my legs around his neck. He started falling backwards not expecting the move but I gripped his collar and let my legs land on the ground. His head was a few inches away from the ground as I still held onto his collar.

"Still warming up," I said panting a little.

He hooked his arms over my legs and flipped us over. I groaned as my back hit the ground," Come on, Love. Where are those powers of yours?"

He stood above me and I glared at him. I jumped up onto my legs and rushed him. He dodged my first attempt but I wrapped my arms around his neck in a headlock. He gripped my arm and threw me forward. Without thinking I pushed him hard with a gust of wind. He flew back hard and fast hitting the wall.

I cursed loudly and ran to Loki. I had caught everyone else's attention too," Shit. Are you okay?"

I was so urgent to make sure he was okay. I was inspecting almost every part of him. He burst out laughing clearly in slight pain," Where did that power come from?"

His hands gripped my arms and I was trying to focus on what everyone was saying around me but my skin is so sensitive," I don't know what you mean," I lied pulling away from him quickly.

"Y/n," Steve called my name and caught my attention," Did they inject you with anything?"

I stuttered finding an answer," I- I mean yeah, but I don't know what."

Steve and Bucky shared a look before Steve said," Let's go to Bruce."

~Time Skip~

I sat on the small bed that was in Banner's lab. Everyone had gathered in the lab to hear what he had to say. Banner came into the room looking at his tablet," It seems that she got injected with some new serum. One like the Super Serum but it only heightens powers and not the actual body."

"So Hydra has a new weapon?" Dad asked Banner.

He shook his head," The serum only seems to heighten powers like Y/ns. I don't think they have anyone like that just sitting around. Even then I think that Y/n was the only test subject."

"So I could have died," I said to myself.

"Well that didn't happen," Dad said," The main thing is that she needs to retrain her power. Before she hurts someone."

"Dad," I said before I could even stop myself," Loki can help me train."

Thor looked like he was pouting," Little lightning, you don't want me to train with you again?"

I stuttered for a second trying to explain why he couldn't. No one knows that my skin is hypersensitive now and that Loki is the only touch that I can actually stand," Um, this could help Loki socialize more," That was the only excuse I had to use.

"Y/n," Wanda was the one talking," I can always help too. I know a lot about controlling a very strong power."

I nodded actually taking in her offer," I'll think about it."

I looked at Loki who had a small smirk on his face and quickly looked away," I think I'm going to go out for a while."

Dad called after me as I left the room," Take Loki with you. He needs to get adjusted to the way we work if he's going to stay here."

I rolled my eyes as I noticed his presence next to me," So you really can't stay away from me, can you Love?"

I sighed and quickened my pace," I just said a name."

Loki chuckled," Are you sure?"

I panicked for a moment thinking he read my mind," Why do you think I chose you to be my training partner."

"Because," He said with a smirk," You just can't resist the mysterious man I am."

I actually almost laughed," Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night."

Laughing feels so foreign now. I haven't laughed or smiled for close to a month. I just feel relieved that he didn't read my mind. He doesn't need to know my real reason. I turned to Loki before we exited the tower. He was still in his weird asgardian clothing.

"Okay first thing about fitting in here," I said messing with his jacket," This isn't normal. Change into some sweats and a plane t-shirt."

With a green flash Loki was sporting some grew sweats and a plain white shirt. He looked like he was in pain," Better?"

"Okay, if that's going to work you have to stop looking like someone is stabbing you," I told him.

He sighed fixing his face," There is that better?"

I nodded," Yep let's go."

Word Count: 1240

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