Chapter 11

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Dad decided to throw a party as celebration of me coming home and learning to use my newly strengthened powers. He also told me later that he was hoping it could be his first move to making things right. I told him it was a start. Everyone was finally letting Loki in on things after he showed he wasn't going to murder or take control of the world. Mom and Morgan are going to come up again for the party as long as we find something for Morgan to do. Peter happily said that he would watch her.

"Y/n," Thor called to me," Would you like to go out with us?"

Everyone was getting ready to go out. I glanced at Loki who was reading a book next to me," Loki come with us."

"No thank you," He answered without looking up from his book.

I thought for a moment," I'll take you back to the book store."

He glanced up at that," Fine."

Everyone walked out on the streets together. A few people stopped us to ask for pictures which we never mind. Nat and Wanda called me up to them as we walked down the streets. Nat nudged me a little with a smirk on her face.

"What's going on between you and reindeer man?"

I hesitated," What do you mean?"

Wanda smiled," You two haven't stopped hanging out with each other since you got back. He also got you to open up. He's the only one aside from Pepper that you don't mind touching you, and you have started smiling and laughing again."

"Don't forget the I'll take you to the bookstore," Nat added.

I could feel my face heat up as they talked about all the things that have happened," There's nothing going on."

"Really cause the same training memory has been playing in your head since it happened," Wanda pointed out and I smacked her arm.

"First off stop looking in my head without my permission and second that doesn't mean anything. It was just a good day," I told her as my face heated up from embarrassment.

"Whatever you say Y/n," Nat said clearly not believing me.

Thor's loud voice caught my attention," Y/n come back over here."

I moved back to the boys. They were all trying to shove each other in the road and I kept pushing them back on the sidewalk. I was like a mother to them. I did notice that Sam and Bucky's arm keeping brushing up against each other and I really wanted to force their hands together. Then I smirked. I could do just that. I used the wind to push their hands into each other. They glared back at me but didn't let go. I smiled innocently at them.

"You boys needed a push," I said as I walked past them," So I gave you a small one."

"Shut the fuck up Y/n," Sam muttered and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Little lightning," Thor said," You could always use a push too."

Every guy snickered and I just stared at him confused," I have no clue what you're talking about."

Loki seemed just as confused but he was mostly off on his own. I guess Thor noticed my glance to his brother," I think you know exactly what I'm talking about Y/n."

I flipped him off and moved back to the girls. We arrived at the mall and we all walked around as a group. Our small group of girls moved off to where the female clothing stores were and the guys walked off to do who knows what.

"Y/n I still think you like Loki,"  Wanda said as we looked at the dresses.

Nat smirked," even the guys notice."

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