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The first night with Harley is harder than I imagined. He's up every two hours, crying for food and nappy changes. Half the time I'm not even fully awake, when I failed to wake up the first time Blake traded sides with me and would sit next to me and hold Harley on my breast until he'd squirm, full of what Blake had explained - air.

Blake burped him like he'd done it a million times before. I presumed he changed his nappy and sung him back to sleep. I wasn't awake long enough half the time to see what he did exactly.

I woke up around seven, I can here Blake moving around the room speaking to Harley.

'Goodmorning bubbuh, who's a wriggly boy thing morning huh!' He stokes Harleys belly lovingly. Before talking him through a nappy change and asks him not to wee on him because he didn't have time to shower before making coffee.

I giggle at his antics and sit up ready to feed my son again. My son wow its still incredible to say that.

Blake leaves Harley with me to go make something to drink. I feed him quickly before placing him back down and going through the nappy bag. I find a weird pump looking thing and a smile crosses my face. They truly did think of everything. Taking out the oppisite breast I fed with I can feel it harden ready to express? I think it's called.

I pick up the strange contraption and pull the weird handle thing. It's really difficult and I can only get a little bit of milk out before my hand burns in pain. 

Blake walks in a few minuets later to see me crying trying to express so Jase can bond with his son too. Feeding is really important for bonding and I know Jase needs it to feel closer to his son and I feel like I've failed him!

Blake takes the pump from my hands and places a cup of coffee in my hand instead. 'I've got it.' He tells me softly taking over.

Jester walks into the room, stops in the doorway and shouts 'Fucking MOOOO!' Cackling with laughter.  Prez places the pump in my hand and takes the dirty nappy resting in the top of the baby bag and launches it at Jesters head!

He's lucky it was only a wet one otherwise that would have been quite a sight! Joy comes up next, telling me she needs baby time and pleads for a cuddle.

Giving up on the pumping, for now, Blake takes it apart and washes the pump part out in the bathroom before taking the milk downstairs to put in the fridge.

I look over to see Joy holding Harley in her arms. Jester is stood next to her stairing with a longing look on his face. Harley starts crying, uncertain what he wants I  walk towars them and gently take my son. I sit back on my bed and pat his back gently, only to see Jesters eyes hadn't moved from Joy. Still with that stupid look on his face. I smirk knowing what that dopey look means. The best thing is, she has no idea....

The end.

* For thoes of you who have read up until 17 of July please take the time to have a flick back through as it has been edited and changed before going on to the second book I've started writing. It is called Hells Outlaws Joy(ce)

I would also love some comments see how you guys are liking the story or if something is wrong or I've forgotten something would be amazing and thankyou so much for reading !!

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