Chapter 11 Prez

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I would say I woke before Nora or the alarm woke me but I doubt I actually slept. Too buzzed from what's to come and what me and Nora had done last night.

She was finally mine, I'd... Well I can't say made love cause that frase makes me want to gouge my own eyes out. But it was damn near close. That woman could bring me down to my knees just looking at her.

And fuck if it wasn't the best night of my life. And now here I lay ready to let her walk into a warzone, again, but what choice did I have really? She may have been my prospect but she owned every inch of my body and soul, last night was proof of that. There wasn't a thing I wanted to do about it either. She was mine and I was hers. Fuck everything else. Well except bump, he and I we were going to be solid. Regardless of whether he was mine or not.

I took a deep breath and cuddled her closer for a second before waking her with kisses. First her forehead, her cheeks her neck and then her mouth. She woke smiling, looking at me with pure love in her eyes. Knowing it was too soon I told her. 'I love you too.' Fuck it.

'I love you too.' She murmered softly kissing me back gently moaning into my mouth. After that we quietly dressed and walked down the stairs holding hands, everyone sat and turned to us at once hooting and hollering. Banging empty cups on the table in joy. Fucking bellends must have heard us.

'Soo'. Jester started, I knocked his lard ass out the way and walked toward the pot of coffee before making us both one. 'Nope.' I told him. 'But.' He tried. 'Nope.'

'Norrrra' He complained 'what baby?' She asked jutting out her lower lip and fluttering her eyes at me . 'Are we going to have another brother or sister now momm?' He asked snickering expecting her to blush or some shit. She snorted rubbing her stomach 'I think your papas spirm dried up long ago and yo mumma..' She trailed off with a wink at his face. gag.

A relaxed air of relief began to decend on the room, she really did fit in around here. It was going to be my unending duty to make sure it always would.

'Gear up' I told the room returning to Nora and handing her, her coffee. She drank it quickly and she and Jase made rounds around the room ensuring everything worked properly and fit well. There was little laughter and talking now, everybody silently pilled into 3 cars.

Team one being Nora, Pops and Rooster, taking the servalence shack.

Car two being Jase with Trap to back him up, Stretch and Jester the devil duo.

My car held Trucker, Tats, Hawk
and Bear, Man could run through a brick wall if needed. We were all okay shots but we weren't there to shoot, we were there to barricade and knock the fuckers out any way we could.

The 45 minute drive was killer, I didn't want to be away from my woman and I certainly didn't want to be doing this of all things. Driving help me concentrate. Not that it did much for my angst. The ride was mostly silent and we communicated through coms when needed.

We stopped a few minuets away and parked on a side street, again we said nothing before heading off. The silence of the forest echoed making every little man made noise or movement that much louder.

"Heal toe, spread the weight it'll help prevent noise" one of Noras many lessons, ''come on ladies pick up thoes knees . They can here you in fucking Iraqi!" She'd told us one sunny afternoon.

The shooting lessons were even worse, the woman was a slave driver took no reason for failure as that was an excuse and she had no room for them.

We'd all lined up one evening shooting dart boards, may I add that was the beginning of our hell weeks - pural. The running, the shooting. Learning to carry guns, walking silently, jogging quietly. Learning to run and throw accurately and shoot on the move. Learning how to safely break through doors. And how to safely break windows. We quickly learned you didn't use your gun or fist to do so. She taught us to use the back of a knife in the corner "weak spot of the window".

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