chapter 3

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Fuckkkk I didn't mean to say that. I heard jases chair fly back and he stood in my face crowing me. Gripping my chin he turned my face towards him


I looked away and back at the picture again before finding prez with my eyes once again. He raised his eye brows, crossed his arms the muscled flexed as he did so. God he worked out. He could break a skull with those arms. Leaning back he drawled 'Come on then sweetheart, spill.'

Shit guess I'm on my own here then.

'We hit some shit. On the way back to base the lead suv struck a mine. 3 doa.' I turned to jase again, seeing the question is his eyes. 'Montgomery, Peters and raj.' I replied sorrow sealing my throat. I cleared it and then continued. 'Peters was alive, I ran ahead and pulled him clear but there was another car coming. Wasn't one of ours.' My heart raced smelling the stench of burnt flesh and carnage. The unyealiding heat and the noise, God it never stopped, the gunfire, the screaming.

Jase bumped his head to mine 'Your home.' He pulled back and looked me clean in the eye 'safe'. I nodded once and closed my eyes for a second, I heard him pick up his chair and righted it. It took me a minute but I got myself talking again .

I opened my eyes and sat taller, 'I got clipped in the side on the reateat but I managed to get us back into one of the trucks. 'God Peters was heavy but between us we returned enough fire to get clear. I threw him in the truck and we got the fuck out of dodge. Managed to stablize him in the truck before we were taken to get treated. We both ended up in a real hospital eventually little bean here moved as they were patching me up. Guess it took a doctor to tell me it wasn't just anxiety rolling in my stomach.' I rolled my eyes. 'General Hayes was fucking pissed at me. Would have been so much worse if he knew it was you, golden boy. The vest did most of the work got a graze and some serious brusing. I only ended up in hospital to get checked out, thats when I found out. Luckily for me he wasn't much of a shot.' I chuckled to myself. I stood pulling up my tee-shirt to just above my ribs showing the bruising and bullet graze. I got off lightly.

Prez looked shocked, trigger chuckled and rolled his eyes at me. 'You didn't know?' He asked, pleading at it to be True.

'Your a pain in my ass but I wouldn't kill your child jase. As soon as I knew I bugged out. I had no idea what I was going to do before I got here so thankyou for giving me .. uh us a chance. And as to appointments I don't then know where to start. I haven't had prenatal treatment or anything they just told me to book another scan in a week.' I shrugged a grin swam across my face ' wanna know the gender?.'I asked hopefully, I couldn't do it alone.

'Fuck no!' He shouted pegging it out the door. The look of fear on his face unmistakable


I closed my eyes , breath in. I held it so long that I started hearing my own heartbeat. A strong calloused hand gripped mine and squeezed. Hard. Oww! I let out the breath and opened my eyes to see prez knelt infront of me. I watched as he took a breath in and followed suit. 'You don't take me as someone who's afraid of anything.' He rumbled, his voice raspy, the smooth tone like a caress across my skin. God he was beautiful.

Another breath and I stealed myself. Once again ready to take on a war.  Well I looked down at my stomach maybe not just yet. I grinned up at prez, 'everyone is afraid of something and those who say they aren't are full of shit.'

Something flashed across his face before he smoothed it out. Desire maybe? Was he going to kiss me? Me the woman who showed up a wreck. 6 months pregnant and alone. God. This was not the time for this shit. I squeezed his hand once and released him. Just then jase came running back into the room. 'Okay'. He smirked at me, prez shook his head and went back around to his seat. 'Pops is coming, sorry he's getting slow in his ancient age'.

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