Chapter 9

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It had been a few days since the sleepover and things had gotten more hectic with filming, photoshoots, interviews, and promotional things for the show. I was enjoying this time as Ken and his henchmen hadn't bothered me since that day, either. I huffed softly as I glanced at the time while getting ready. It was only 7:30 AM and the director and staff called and asked us to come in early as they'd be adding some new actors, thanks to ideas fans had given them. I knock on Forts' room door and open it a little to see Fort fixing his hair. "Hurry up Fort, we don't have all day.". Fort nods and smiles "I'm almost ready P', need to get my shoes on. I'll stop at a café along the way and get us some breakfast and iced coffee.".

I nod and head back toward my room to finish getting ready. I quickly fix my hair and grab my wallet before heading out towards the front door, where Fort stood. He smiles at me and opens the door. "Let's go P'Eul, P'Peat keeps texting and asking why we haven't even left the house yet.". Peat only knew we were still at home because we had installed a tracker on our phones that allowed everyone to see each other's locations at all times. It was Boss' idea after finding out about me being raped and picked on at school.

Fort and I head downstairs to his car and get in before driving off to get food and to get to the company building on time. We stop at a café and get drinks and pastries for everyone. I sat in the car and waited as Fort ran inside and grabbed the stuff. Glancing down at my phone, I see a text from Boss and respond to it.

Boss: Eul, where are you and Fort? You won't believe who's here!

Me: We are getting drinks and pastries for everyone... Who is it, Boss?

Boss: I'm not telling you, it's a surprise~

Boss: Also, you know what to get me, right?

Me: Yes, I do. Why won't you tell me?

Boss: cause I wanna see your reaction when you see them as you love the Bl they were previously in!

Me: oh... don't tell me then.

Me: Fort is back, we are coming, bye.

I set my phone down and open my door so that Fort can easily hand me the stuff. Once we get everything situated in the car, Fort gets in his seat and glances at me as we head towards the set. "Peat told me who the special guests are.". I look at him, "He did? Who are the special guests? Chaikamon won't tell me...". Fort laughs and shakes his head, "I'm not telling you either, it's a surprise~". I pout and get quiet, not wanting to annoy him any further since it was useless as he wouldn't tell me either way.

Once we arrive at the set, I get out and had Fort some of the stuff, helping him carry everything inside. I see Boss and Peat talking to some people, whose backs were to us and frown wondering if they were the special guests. The director sees us and ushers us towards them before answering what I had been wondering. He smiles gleefully as he gestures to the people whose back I saw earlier, "Fort, Noeul, Meet BibleBuild and MileApo. They will be playing Phayu's parents and Prapai's parents~".

I freeze seeing the actors and try not to fangirl about seeing my favorite pairings. I smile and bow to them out of respect and gasp softly as I'm pulled into a hug by Bible and Build. I whisper "My idol is hugging me!" making Bible and Build laugh. I blush realizing they heard me as Boss looks at me "And this is why I wouldn't tell you who was here~". I pout and look at Boss, whining, "You could've at least warned me not to fangirl in front of them. I feel so embarrassed now~".

Hearing what I said, Build looks at me and laughs "I found it cute how you were fangirling over us~". I whine and cover my red face as Boss laughs, "Stop teasing him, he's already as red as a tomato~". Everyone proceeded to tease me until the director sent us all to get our makeup done and clothes changed so we could start filming. According to the director, he was gonna film a few scenes or little side stories and release them to see how the fans reacted before fully incorporating them into the show. I liked the idea of testing the waters before fully committing to an idea.

The director handed us a script for us to look at and read through. I skim through it and look up at the director. "You want Phayus' parents and Prapai's parents to have a misunderstanding that I'm Prapai's boyfriend, all cause I saved Khun Vegas and Prapai came to pick me up from the hospital?". The director nods and looks at us. "It's just a random idea we came up with...". I nod and look at the others to see if they were okay with all of this, which they were, before looking at the director with a mischievous grin, "Let the confusion begin~".


       Authors Note:      Hey guys, I'm so sorry for the long wait... so much stuff happened, including writer's block which I just now managed to get over after reading a ton of Wattpad stories and webtoons. anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this update, and let me know what you think about the new additions to this story!

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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