Chapter 10: Beautiful Intentions

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Bianca slipped into a coma after the day she was pushed towards her hospital bed and hit her head on its metal railing because of Timothy's short temper and inability to reason when he is angry. That whole week passed by in the blink of an eye.

Daniel went to visit Bianca everyday since his fight with Dr Norris. The two men still did not see eye to eye but the fighting stopped, for the sake of Bianca. Hailey visited her twice a week because of her busy schedule. She was worried but she knew Bianca would wake up sooner or later, or at least she hoped she would.

The Friday night of the following week approached. Daniel was sitting beside her in total silence rubbing his glabella. He started talking to her about the two weeks she missed of work and how Gabriel was holding down the fort pretty well for the time being.

"Work has been different without you Bianca. We didn't interact very much at work but. . .I always enjoyed your presence."

He laughed dryly.

"When will you wake up? I miss you. I am so so sorry that I couldn't protect you from that monster you call your boy-"

He was cut off by her hand shaking slightly. She started murmuring softly, too softly for him to hear. She opened her eyes and for a moment was confused of her whereabouts.

Joy enveloped Daniel and he started shouting for a nurse.

"Nurse! Nurse!"

A nurse came rushing into the ward and she immediately called for Dr Norris. The nurse and Dr Norris came running and were met with Bianca sitting up and blinking rapidly.

"Bianca? Nod yes if you can hear me."

Dr Norris said to her. Bianca nodded yes as instructed. She opened her mouth to speak.

"W-where a-am I?"

Bianca asked seeming a bit frightened.

"You are in the hospital. You just came out of a coma that lasted two weeks."

Dr Norris gently explained to her.

"Coma? Hospital? H-how d-did I e-even end up here?"

Dr Norris explained the situation and she still seemed unclear of the situation.

"It's okay baby, maybe you need some time jogging your memory."

"Baby? I'm sorry but last time I checked I wasn't dating a doctor, I wasn't dating anyone at all actually. I'm sorry but who are you Dr. . ."

"Norris, Dr Norris. Oh no, I was hoping this wouldn't happen. It was a possibility but I was hoping it would stay a possibility and not turn into reality."

"What are you talking about Dr Norris?"

Daniel asked with a worried face.

"The impact when she hit her head, coupled with her reason for being here which are her migraine headaches which altered her brain chemistry led to memory loss as you may have guessed. I cannot determine just yet if it is long-term or short-term."

"You sick bastard! What you did made her lose her memory. If she doesn't gain it back-"

"Wait Daniel, you said HE did this to me?"

She asked pointing at Dr Norris.

"No, I uh. . .nothing. I am wrong, I'm sorry for telling you false information. So you remember me?"

"Yes of course I remember my boss. I have worked at Geologists and Co for years. What I don't remember is the last couple of months, maybe this whole year. Oh no. What happened to me Daniel?"

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