Chapter 5: "Surprise!"

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It had been three weeks since Bianca and Timothy last spoke, she was feeling down as ever but refused to talk about it. She was at work flipping through two of her upcoming projects.


"Gabriel Abrahams, get in here, now please!" Bianca yelled with a cold, venomous tone. "Yes miss? You never call me by my full name, is everything alright?" "Is that what you have to say about not telling me about the two maps I have to get done by next week? Do you not understand quite yet how time consuming compiling geographical information digitally is? How many times have I told you to always have everything sorted out in time? Imagine if I acted like how you did, you would go on and on and on about how terrible of a boss I am, right? But now I have to suffer for your incompetence?" Bianca furiously exploded without warning. Stunned, Gabriel blinked only after she was finished speaking, "I was about to get t-t-to it Miss, I do not know how it slipped my mind. I am. . .sorry. Let me know exactly how I can be of help. Good day." Gabriel slowly slipped out of Bianca's office as she slumped down on her chair and began with the first project. The clock read 16:00 and she was determined to go home only when most of it had been concluded. She only wanted to add the final touch ups the following morning. So she told Gabriel to cancel all her meetings and appointments. She then was focused on her work. She loved what she did so it was easy to avoid the whole world for her field of study. She did not take any calls, even ones some would say were important. As Gabriel ordered her dinner, he went in to let her know afterwards.


"Knock, knock". "Come in Abrahams" Bianca said before sighing. "I ordered you dinner, it will be delivered in about forty-five minutes or so. Oh and before I forget, my apologies again for not letting you know in time. I should have done better. Next time, I will" Gabriel said just as he was about to open Bianca's office door to leave. "Wait! I forgive you Gabriel, yes you were wrong but I also should have found a better way of handling the situation. I let my emotions get the best of me and I put you on the receiving end. You did not deserve that. I apologize as well. Have my food taken up to me as soon as it arrives. Thank you." Bianca said. Gabriel nodded softly and walked out of Bianca's office.

Bianca received her food and munched away as she was engrossed in her work as well. Minutes turned to hours and it was the regular time to go home for employees, not unless they had a mountain load of work to get done. At 20:30 Mr Smith went down to Miss Benson's office to see how far she is with work.


Bianca gently persisted in suggesting Gabriel knock off, with much effort it worked and he went home. She made herself a cup of coffee and heard Mr Smith talking over the phone as his footsteps grew clearer towards her office.

Daniel Smith, 35, GIS Supervisor at Geologists and Co. A clean cut man who prefers mixing and matching formal wear, even when there would be casual events hosted by Geologists and Co. With baby blue eyes, a few wrinkles and a smile as bright as day, smooth yet curly hair. Lean body frame but handsomely well built. All the women at Geologists and Co, except for Bianca Benson, adored him but he was notorious for keeping his life private and his life at work strictly professional. A bachelor who has no kids and little family in London.

She sat down with her cup and got back to work on her company laptop. Mr Smith entered her office while ending the call he was on "Well Mr Mayor, I look forward to speaking to you again. Bye." Bianca looks up and plasters a smile on her face. "Mr Smith, good evening sir. Are you well?" "Lovely thank you for asking, how are you feeling tonight?" "Oh well, besides being busy I am okay thank you." "That was the mayor, I presume you heard, yes? He was asking about the GIS map of London project and how far it is going." "Well sir, it is quite demanding but I have everything under control. It will be ready by late tomorrow-" "You do not look like someone who will go home anytime soon? Am I right?" "Oh yes, I have a lot of work to get done so I have to stay and besides, I do not mind at all. This is better than going home to an empty apartment, I love what I do so this is much more pleasant." "That was quite enthusiastically sad, don't you think?" "No, not really sir, I am just being honest." "Why would you put it so bluntly then?" "I am a straight talker, I would say, but for a more elaborate explanation? I plead the fifth, I am busy and it is getting late, I am sure the wife is waiting." "Wife? Well, I would be so lucky. I know I keep my life private from work but I will let you in on a little secret. I am still a bachelor." He said flashing his winning smile. "Oh? What a shame, any woman would be lucky to have you sir. I just hope one day you have one then." Bianca said innocently. "Maybe one day I will find her, thank you. You mentioned going home to an empty apartment. Are you not seeing anyone currently?" "No." "Why?" "I would rather not discuss my love life sir, with all due respect, it is nonexistant." "If you say so then, Miss Benson. Goodnight beautiful, work well and hard. Give me a call if you need anything." Mr Smith offers a gentle smile to Bianca and saunters off.

At about 02h30 in the early hours of Saturday morning, Bianca decided to go back to her apartment. She parked her car, got out and locked it. She fumbled with her keys for a moment until she found the right one. She went upstairs from her garage and put the key inside and unlocked her door. She closed it while still in the dark, locked and put the keys up on their hanger. When she finally decided to let there be light, she was met with a very loud "SURPRISE!" Before she could comprehend what had happened, Tyrene and Sabrina quickly hold her in a tight hug while also spilling some of their drinks on her top.


"Oh my word, you guys!" Bianca said with tears in her eyes. She had not seen them for so long, she was so happy. "It was kind of hard not telling you. I had to even hide you from my status because I posted the flights and-and-and-and you know? But I am happy to finally announce our arrival. We missed you girl!" Sabrina said, overjoyed. "Yeah, how has life been? It feels like it has been ages since we last met together" said Tyrene. "Woah-woah, you guys are not going to act like this was expected. What are you guys doing here? I am not complaining but I mean Ty-ty you ARE one of Australia's best advocates, and you all know I mean Australia, the continent. But for you Sabrina I get it, you married a rich son of a bitch that loves you to pieces so he probably paid for most of this" they all laugh. "Yes, she is one of the best advocates in Australia, nowhere else" Hailey said as she entered the conversation as well as the room. Bianca sprints to hug her tightly, Hailey returns the same amount of love. "I would not miss a party for my baby sister any day, no matter how busy I am, even though I had a long day at my firm a few hours ago-" "Well yes, my baby Simon did pay for most of this-" "I just took a few days off work, I do own my own firm B, remember?" Tyrene said carelessly. "Can you even do that? I mean, people commit crimes everyday and some might need a good lawyer such as yourself-" "I can pay it no mind, I can just send one of my best lawyers that work at my firm, that's how it works sometimes" Tyrene said. "Oh yeah, I forgot. But anyways, thank you guys so much for showing up. I have had theee longest week of my life. Gabriel was bitching, I have been avoiding Avory, but through all of that, I have not spoken to Timothy for three whole weeks. I get that he is a doctor and all, he saves lives, he is busy and-and-and-and but THREE WEEKS?? I am on the verge of letting go, I cannot do this anymore-" "No, he has probably just been busy, you did say he is a doctor B" Sabrina said touching her shoulder softly. "Yes, who knows? Maybe the image of you keeps him going you know" Tyrene said just louder than a whisper. "Or maybe he is just a douche who did not want to speak to her-" "Oh shut up Hailey, we ALL know that's not true" said Sabrina shooting Hailey a glare. "Anyways. . .we have one more surprise for you sweetheart." Tyrene said with happy tears. "Close your eyes." Bianca did just that and she heard Tyrene walk out of the room. "Guys, what is going on?" "Shut up B, she is almost here again." Tyrene returns in oddly slow steps and just for a second Bianca swore she could here footsteps beside Tyrene. "Okay, you can open your eyes now" Hailey said knowingly.

Bianca opens her eyes to find a smiling Timothy Norris a few feet away from her grasp. "Hey you, I heard you were having a get-together with friends and family" Timothy said with a huge smile on his face that reached his green eyes. Stunned, Bianca froze in her tracks and only tears escaped her hazel brown eyes. . .

Don't kill me for the cliffhanger (laughs). It was great, right? Well, thank you all so much for still being this hooked. So much more is still yet to come. We are still on number #1 under "riveting"! Thanks you guys. All love. Till next time [chapter 6]. 🫦

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