Chapter 25: Rita

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I'm sitting between LeAnna and Mr. and Mrs. Corbin on our couch, across from my caseworker.

"What would you like to talk about, Rita?" Presley asks. "I thought we had everything settled. I got your message, and I've talked with the Corbins."

"I don't want to leave," I say, settling myself in my spot. I cross my legs decidedly. "I love them. I've changed my mind. I want to stay."

Presley smiles. "I was hoping you'd say that. After talking to the Corbins, I was thinking that would be your answer. I'm so glad that it is."

I smile, glancing at the wonderful people situated around me. "But," I take a deep breath. "I have another decision that I want to make."

"Oh?" Presley arches an eyebrow at me.

"They mentioned adoption once," I say. "And I said that I wanted to find my brother first. And I still do want to find him. But I also want to stay here."

Presley nods. "I understand."

"So is there a way to keep trying to get in touch with him even after I'm adopted?" I continue.

"Of course," Presley nods. "There's always a way."

"Then..." I glance at the people surrounding me who showed me love when both parties knew I didn't deserve it. "Then I want to be adopted. I want them."

Mrs. Corbin gives me a quick squeeze. "And we want you."

I nestle my head in her arms and let myself relax ever so slightly.

"I'll get that worked out then," Presley says, smiling. "I'm glad you've made this decision, Rita. A lot of foster teens never find homes and eventually age out of the system. Then they're left on the streets without money for college or a job, and no family. A lot of them end up in prison, incarcerated, or dead within the first few months. I'm so glad you won't be one of them."

I fidget with the little rose ring around my finger as she talks. I understand all of this, but it doesn't make her telling me that I would probably be dead if not for my decision any less awkward.

"And now our last order of business," Presley says, looking at my foster parents and smiling.

My brow furrows. "What?"

Next to me, I can hear LeAnna hiding a snicker. "What is going on?"

Mrs. Corbin smiles at me. "Call it an early birthday present."

"What is?" I demand.

"You'll see," LeAnna says, bumping my arm.

I shake my head. "You suck."

"Come on!" LeAnna says. She stands up and takes my hands.

Confused, I stumble after her towards the front door. I barely even have time to think.

She grabs the door handle, pausing only to glance back at me, and rushes through to the other side where Presley's car waits.

There's nothing out here, I think. Because there isn't. It's just Presley's car, the front yard, and probably the neighbors in about five seconds, coming to see what all the commotion is about.

"We've been planning this surprise for a while, Rita," Mrs. Corbin says. She smiles.

What surprise? There's literally nothing out here.

Presley starts to walk to her car. But instead of going around to the driver's side, she opens the rear passenger's side.

Oh, my goodness.

Golden hair, radiant as the sun, and a smile so bright it could blind you. Beautiful brown doe eyes that look at me with a sense of hope. His hands fidget with the hem of his shirt, just like mine do so often.


"Oh, my-" I don't even finish my sentence, because I'm running towards him, my legs carrying me to him much faster than they carry me in gym class. I wrap my arms around him in a tight embrace, and feeling his arms hug me back is something I wouldn't trade for the world. "I missed you so much," I whisper in his ear.

"I missed you too," Asher says. He's getting tall. The last time I held him like this, his head was nestled in my stomach. Now he rests his head on my chest, mere inches from my shoulder. And I'm only five-four. He hasn't hit puberty yet. I can tell by the baby fat that clings to his face, and the light, boyish voice. Thank God I didn't at least miss that milestone. I'm sure I've missed plenty of others.

I hold my little brother like this for who knows how long. All I know is that when we pull away from each other, it feels too short.

"You're so tall now," I breathe.

Asher rolls his eyes. "Don't get all sentimental on me now."

I smile. "There's my little brother."

Asher cracks a small smile. "I really did miss you, Rita. It was hell without you."

I sigh. "I can imagine. It was heck for me too."

Asher cocks his head. I can tell it's because I didn't say the same word he did.

"This is my foster family," I say, motioning behind me. "Mr. and Mrs. Corbin and LeAnna. They have a dog too."

Asher nods as if he's interested. I can tell he's not. "Cool," he says nonchalantly.

"I can't wait to show you everything," I say hurriedly, the words tumbling out of my mouth.

Asher looks at me like I'm an alien. "What happened to you?" he asks.

I pause. "What do you mean? I'm just excited?"

Asher shrugs. "I dunno. You just used to be so much more down-to-earth."

"She's still sassy if that makes you feel better," LeAnna inputs. "If that makes you feel better."

Asher shoots a look toward her. "Don't act like you care about her and like you know her or something."

LeAnna looks slightly taken aback. "I-I'm sorry?"

"I'm her brother," Asher says, a little snappily. "I know her better than you ever will."

"I know," LeAnna says, slightly taken aback. "I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry."

Asher glances at LeAnna, then back at me. "My placement's being moved," he says easily. It's not exactly a new thing for either of us. "To here. With you. Hopefully, they won't move us again. "

I nod my agreement. "I'm going to have a hissy fit if they do." I roll my eyes.

Asher pauses. "Do you... Do you know what happened to Hannah? Do you know anything?"

I purse my lips. "We've got a lot to catch up on, little brother."

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